Sequel: Famous Friends

Watermelon Smiles

February 25th 2009

Wow, sorry. You must of thought I've abandoned you. Must be a horrible feeling....but, I haven't. I've just been busy and unable to write. So, I guess I'll start.

The 25th was rather odd...although, I'm pretty sure you were expecting that. After all, I was with my two lovers, one of which doesn't know I'm with the other and also that the other knows. So, after we dropped our luggage off at Brendon's, we called Pete and met him at the air-port. I had invited him to stay some time ago, so we also dropped his stuff off at Brendon's and then headed out.

That's when the competition started.

We each picked a place, Pete's of course being some raunchy cabaret complete with a rather...explicit caricature of intimacy. Heh, word play...don't you love it? Okay, anyways...

That was the part that troubled me, he wanted to go there...although, perhaps he thought I'd take it as a turn on. I guess I'm just more sensitive then he knows. And, when Pete went to order drinks for us, Brendon kissed me. A few guys shouted at us, and a few girls giggled at it, but thank god the music was too loud for Pete to hear. He came back and the night...erm, well it was still day....went on.

Brendon on the other hand, choose a place a little more....politically correct. We went to a casino with him. That was fun....even though we all walked out about five-thousand dollars less. Pete took it the worst, he was trying to show off and lost more then Brendon and I did. I'm not sure how much, I wasn't keeping count. And, it was this time, when Brendon went to the bathroom, Pete kissed me....and felt me up down below. That's where it got embarrassing and we promptly left after Brendon came back so we wouldn't get thrown out.

I choose a place to eat.....which was a bit, not obvious...but...unoriginal. Olive Garden. Both Pete and Brendon laughed at it, and yea, I blushed. But hey, I love the calamari. And, poor Brendon, had I been thinking I wouldn't of chosen Olive Garden. The only thing he could eat was some mushroom thingy and the salad. It's tough being best fr-....lovers with a vegetarian. Heh.

So, we all left and headed back to Brenny's. Pete and I gathered our stuff and said our goodbyes. The ride over to Brendon's was fun, see, I wasn't the one driving. Pete's crazy, I swear. We broke the speed limit and screamed along to our favorite songs, some of which were of course our own. Surprised we didn't get pulled over or called on.

We got back to my place, nothing much happened really. At least, nothing I'd like write down here. Sometimes picture memory is better. NO! God, that sounds wrong...and I'm writing in pen! Look, journal, don't take that the way it sounds. I should say the human memory is better. Plus an almost photographic memory helps too, yea.

Pete's still here, he will be for a few more days. He's sleeping right now, under my green sheets. Beautiful picture really. If I was a better artist, I might make an attempt to actually draw it in your pages, but, I don't want to take the chance and end up ruining you.

Well, breakfast time.
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Okay guys, I must apologize for not being on.

My laptop has turned to mush and I"m trying to fix it. I'm on Mum's computer right now.

There should be an update tomorrow.
