Sequel: Famous Friends

Watermelon Smiles

March 2nd 2009

Well, welcome to another month of me not losing this thing...

Life has been rather laid-back, which is why I haven't really updated in a while. That and Pete's still here and he tends to keep me busy. Weather it's going out and acting like idiots, or something a bit more....intimate? Yea, I guess you could call it that. Well, no. No, you can't call it that. You could call it that...if Pete wasn't a fan of hand-cuffs and blind-folds, then it would be intimate.

The "gang" went out together for the first time since before our show. Jon and Spencer flew in two days ago, Jon's gonna stay at Spencer's now. It's only a matter of time until one of the prepossess to the other, I can feel it.

So, we (the gang), along with the addition of Pete, went out on the strip. We're thinking about like going camping or hiking or something like that. It was nice to see Brendon again. Heh, I haven't seen him since we flew in. He kissed me when Pete had his back turned, I almost slapped him. He's being too risky with this now. Does he want me to get caught? Don't answer that, we all know.

Pete got a call from Andy, asking exactly why he was down here with us...or rather me...he said it was a visit, and invited Andy down. Actually, he invited the whole group down. I don't know who all is coming, but I can be expecting more house-guests soon.

Oh! I almost forgot! How could I forget? It's the most important thing to have happened...probably the most exciting too. Pete bought me a cat....rather a kitten. His name is Donald. He went out the other day while I was sleeping, and when I woke up, there was a kitten on my chest! It's truly adorable to watch him run around when the 'pixie's' are 'chasing' him. And the way he goes at the little feather on a stick thingy...hehe.

Pete doesn't know it yet, but I'm gonna get him a turtle or a rabbit in return for Donald. I don't know which though. Pete seems like a turtle kind of guy, but a rabbit would be more long as Hemingway doesn't eat it. Although, I don't think he will. He's pretty tame.

Crap, I gotta go clean up glass, Donald just knocked my cup over. I hope he gets smarter with age...
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Happy March!
