Sequel: Famous Friends

Watermelon Smiles

March 20th 2009

Wow, sorry about that...little...mishap on the other page. And then I ran off a few days, poor thing, you must of thought I'd murdered with an Axe.

Well, I assure you, in reality, Brendon tackled me on the couch and showered me in kisses. The sweetest thing since the beach actually.

But, let's get back on topic, shall we?

Those two days I was gone were busy. In both senses of the word. We did go to a local garden thingy then, it was amazing. I wonder, if you, poor paper, could ever imagine just what it's like to watch the sunset from a field of wild flowers, on a picnic blanket with your soul mate next to you? Poor paper, I doubt you even have a soul, lemme play match maker for a minute here....


There you go. It's you and your soul mate.

So, Brenny and I have been together quite a bit lately. And, I'm constantly texting Pete. He says he misses me, and I miss him too. But being with Brendon, it's not so...serious Brenny's more playful then Pete. Pete's just more...mysterious and serious. He's like...hrm...a hunter, 24/7, not just when he feels like it, but 24/7. Brendon, he's just forever the panther. Always playful and always hunting, but never showing it. He keeps it to the shadow's until it's provoked to come out. And when it does, it's not "Grr I'm gonna eat you head!" It's "Wanna play? I dare you."

It's just a big game, and I love it. Wrestling is the best, down pat. Maybe I'll get Pete to try it....that'd be cool, but a bit....rough, as if it isn't already. With Brendon though, it's playful. I dunno what it is about the boy, but he's just so...Brendon. There is no other word for that, it's just Brendon.

Oh, we're having band practice tomorrow for the first time in what feels like ages. It's gonna be awesome.

If Pete's the hunter, and Brendon's the panther....what in the world am I?
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a bit to ponder there.

Pic thanks to photobucket.

I've been air-drumming NitA, and I think I'm getting carpel tunnel from it, gee, thanks Spence.

More tomorrow.