Sequel: Famous Friends

Watermelon Smiles

September 5th 2009

Well, dear pages it's an all around bad news entry tonight.

He found out, finally. He called me the biggest dumb ass ever, that he was "just bluffing", that I ruined the best thing that ever happened to me. He called me an inconsiderate bastard. He exploded on me, 100%. And, for once in this whole sickly twisted mess, I fought back.

I think the words hurt more than the hits.

He landed a good one though, right as he turned to leave. He took a blind swing as he turned around and hit me square in the nose. I felt it crack before it started gushing. He told me to just forget about it, that fixing it would do no help; the scar would be there forever.

Turns out he broke it. I had to tell the hospital that I fell down a flight of stairs to explain the mess Iwas am.

But now, sacred paper, I've come to realize that I've been torchering you all along. Nothing deserves what I've put you through. No true love deserves to get spoiled by a devil in disguise. Go figure, I should of ditch that damn haloed fool, for once, the devil was the real blessing in disguise.

Point is, I'm done abusing you.

Until next time;

Au vior mon cherie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, this is the last true chapter to this story.

However, I have two bits here.

ONE: Brendon's journal is now up, go check it out. It is the sequel and ultimate end to this story.


TWO: Once I finish Brendon's Journal (which will take just about as long as this one has)come back here for a bonus chapter.


THREE: I am making this a journal series which means, that with time, I will also do a journal for both Jon and Spencer, too.

Well, darlings, that's it.

Thanks for all the support on this one, and I hope to see you at/with Brendon's Journal too!
