The Potter Twins


Amanda's P.O.V

After the feast Percy, Gryffindor's prefet took us around.

"Gryffindors, follow, me please. keep up,thank you" he said while we walked up some stairs

"Ohmigosh this year is going to be the best!" i said to Hermione

"Yes i know and i can't wait to see what classes we are taking"

"Hermione it's more than learning...its just the thought of.....MAGIC!" i said with my arms out like a broadway star! We got to a hole lot of staircases

"Ravenclaws this way!" said the ravenclaw prefect

"this is the most direct path to the dormitories" Percy said while we all looked up at the moving staircases "Keep an eye on the staircases they like to change...."
"Keep up please and follow me Quickly now come on come on"

"That pictures moving!!!!!" i said as i nudged Hermione to the bride with a beautiful boquet waving to us We kept walking down a corridor to a big potrait of the fat lady.
"Password?" the fat lady asked
"Caput Draconis" The porait swung open there was a little hallway and as we walked in it became a huge room with a fire many chairs and couches. Coffe tables too.
"Follow me everyone keep up quickly come on" Percy kept hurrying us in
"Gather round here.........welcome to the Gryffindor common room.....Boys' dormitory is up stairs to the left Girls, the same on your right Your belongings have been already brought up. Girls and Boys started to go upstairs but i just took a seat in a comfy recliner and relaxed.

"Manda hunnie you have to go to bed" Hermione told me all motherly like
"Okway mummie can you cwarry mii? HAHAHAHAH a hahah" we laughed it off . We both went up to our room and i found out that it was just me and Hermione. We had an extra bed though.

Harry's P.O.V

Ron and I went up to our room that we share with Seamus, Dean, and Neville.
I couldn't sleep that night. Everyone was in bed but i satyed at the window i was petting Hedwig and i just went to sleep.

Amanda's P.O.V

After Hermionee and I changed we just kept talking about random stuff
"Soooo do you like anyone so far?" I asked Hermione?
"Lil' ole me noo i dont think so...ask my heart?"
"Okie dokie then...Hermiones heart do you like anyone here at Hogwarts? ahahahahahah"
"Nah not really, Ma" (*sounds like may*)
"Yea idk it sounded cool"
"O well dont let Ronnie or Harry call me that. Only you Mines"
"Mines??" "does that mean i'm your best friend?"
"Of course Mines" We started to paint our nails. with magic**
"Don't you love black its just a color i've learned to love!"
"Well Ma I personally like emerald green. Just like a gem or Bright Orange."
"well Mines it's 11:56 we should get to bed"
"OK'' I snuck into my bed and fell asleep
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EMERALD GREEN BRIGHT ORANGE!!! gettin any ideas. mayb eventually MaGem