The Potter Twins

Platform 9 3/4 and the Hogawrts Express

Amanda's P.O.V

we were walking aroung King's Cross station and a man walked past us starring at Hagrid.

"What are you lookin at?" he said to the man.

"Blimey is that the time. Sorry but i have to go." Hagrid said giving us our tickets

"He'll be wantin" he said tapping he shirt pocket.
"well he'll be wantin to see me. Stick to your ticket Harry, stick to your ticket Amanda. Stick to your ticket." I saw Harry look down at his ticket and I looked at mine. 'Platform 9 3/4'

" But Hagrid this much be a mistake." Harry said

"It says platform 9 3/4. there is no such thing" i said

Harry's P.O.V

"Is there?" Amanda and i said together. I looked around and Hagrid was gone.

"Hagrid?" I said and Amanda said after me.

we walked to platforms 9 and 10 and I saw a ticket person.

"'Scuse me but can you show me where platform 9 3/4 is?" I asked.

"Platform 9 3/4 platform 9 3/4 you think your being funny do ya?"

he walked away and I heard a woman complaining.

"Packed with muggles." she said

"muggles?" Amanda said

we followed her to the platforms 9 and 10.

"You first Percy" she said and the tallest orange haired boy got right in the middle of 9 and 10 and ran through that wall. WOW

"Alright Fred you next" she said to one of the twins.

"He's not Fred i am" said the one on the right.

"Honestly woman you call yourself our mother" the other one said walking over to the spot where they run.

"O sorry George." the woman replied

"Only joking i am Fred." he said going through the barrier followed by his twim, George.

"Excuse me" Amanda said and she walked over to the woman.

"Umm how do you..?"

"Get onto the platform?" we nodded "It's Ron's first time to Haowarts too." she said and the small orange haired boy nodded.

"All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier. Best to start off with a run." I lined up with the barrier. Amanda right behind me and then i noticed the red headded girl next to the woman she looked about 10.

"You ready?" i said to Amanda and she nodded. We ran into the barrier and surprisingly went through the wall.

Amanda's P.O.V

We went through the wall and i saw a giant scarlet read and black train. The wistle blew and we walked over to the train and we gave our luggage to the men who looked like bell hops. We got on the train and into an empty compartment.

Someone walked in and said

"Do you mind every where else is full?" it was the small red headed boy ron i believe. I shook my head and Harry said

"Not at all." he came in and sat oppiste to us.

Ron's P.O.V

I came across one compartment with the two kids i saw outside the platform.

"Do you mind everywhere else is full?" The girl shoook her head and the boy said

"Not at all" so i st down across from the 2.

"I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley." i said acting polite.

"Harry" the guy said "and Amanda" the girl said "Potter" they said together.

I was stunned Harry and Amanda Potter! they survived an attack from You -know-who

"Soo so its true...i i mean the scar?'' i said with my mouth open they both lifted up their long bangs and i saw the lightening bolt on Harry and the moon on Amanda

"Anything from the trolley?" an old lady said with a candy cart.

"Nope im all set." i said holding up my mush sandwich.

Amanda's P.O.V

"Nope im all set" ron said i felt bad for him because he had a horribly pile of mush.

"The lot" Harry and I said at the same time. We got loads of candy and shared it with ron.

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?" harry said

"they mean every flavor. There choclatte and pepermint and spinach and liver and trout. George sweared he got a boogie flavored one once." ron said. Harry spit his out.

"these aren't real frogs are they?" I said looking at the chocolatte frog box

"it's just a spell besides its the cards you want. Each packs got a famous witch or wizard. I got 500 myself." Ron said proudly. I openned the box and it ribbited and jumped to the window

"watch it." he hopped out the window.

"Ahh thats rotten luck. Theyve only got one good jump in them to begginwith" he said as i looked at my Nicholas Flammel card and Harry got a Dumbledore.

"I got bout six of him." ron said looking at Harry's card.

"Hey whered he go?" Harry asked as Dumbledore vanished leaveing a dark spot and just his name there.
"Well you can't except him to stay there all day."Ron said "Thiis is Scabbers by the pathetic aint he."
"Just a little" i said looking at the rat.
"Oh and this is Gibbs" I said holding up my cute little kitten.
"And this is Hedwig" Harry said showing Ron the snowy white owl.

Harry's P.O.V

"Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. want to see?" Ron asked and Harry nodded

he cleared his throat. "Sunshine ..."
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hopes you like.., please subscribe and comment!!!!! and im srry for misspelling