The Potter Twins

Hogwarts at last.

Amanda's P.O.V

The train pulled up to the station and I saw a very tall man standing outside holding a lamp.\

"Right then. Firs' years this way please!" the man yelled and i saw it was Hagrid.

"Come on now don't be shy. Come on now ,Hurry up." Prefects held open the doors and we all got off. We walked over to Hagrid smiling looking around.

"Hello Harry Hello Amanda." he said

"Hi Hagrid" we said in unison.

"Whooooaaaa" Ron said as he looked up at Hagrid.

"Right then .This way to the boats. Come on now, Follow me." He turned around and we all followed him. We walked over to the lake.

"4 to a boat please 4 to a boat." Hagrid yelled so all the first years could here him.

"I wonder where Hermione is" I said

Harry's P.O.V

"Hi guys!" I turned around to see my sister talking to Hermione.

"So as i was saying wouldd you like to come with us in a boat?" Amanda said to Hermione

"Sure" she replied and we all got to a boat. The boat had a lantern on it and it supposdly drives it self. We went under a bridge. And from under the bridge we saw Hogwarts. a mist coming from the bottom of the hill and all the lights were on in the castle. The moon behind the clouds.

"Wicked" i heard Ron kinda whisper

"Isn't that awesome Harry" Amanda asked me

"Yea sure, Mands" I said not really paying attention. i was gazing at Hogwarts which is going to be my second home!! We walked up the steps into the castle.

"Follow me" said a woman said with a very pointed hat. we walked through the corridors up some stairs and stopped in front of two huge doors. She turned around

"Welcome to Hogwarts" "Shortly, you'll pass through these doors and join your classmates."
"But before you take your seats you must be sorted into your houses." "They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you're here, your house will be like your famiy. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points wins the house cup."

"TREVOR!" a boy said pushing through the crowd to pick up the little toad.

Amanda's P.O.V

The boy picked up his toad. Looked up at the Professer....Hermione said Proffeser Mcgonagall and went back into the crowd

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." she said. she walked through the doors and a boy with slick blonde hair said

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry and Amanda Potter have come to Hogwarts." he said trying to look cool...ugh. the crowd began to whisper. Harry Potter..Amanda Potter?
"This is crabbe and Goyle. and I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."...No what are you James bond?? seriously. Harry looked over to me and shook his head knowing what i was thinking.
Ronnie made a little laughing sound and Draco looked to him.
"thinkmy names funny do you? no need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe. you must be a Weasley"

"shut the bloody hell up , Malfoy!" i said and Hermione looked at me in shock.

"Who are you to boss me around?" "Youll find out some wizarding families are better than others." Malfoy said looking to Harry. You dont ant to go making friends with the wrong sort."
I can help you there." He said holding out his hand for Harry to shake. He looked at it and then me.

"I think we can tell the wrong sort for ourselves thanks."We said together me with a grin and Harry looking serious. Professer came back can tapped Malfoy on the shoulder with a rolled up peice of Parchement.
"We're ready for you now. Follow me"
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hope you like please comment and tell me what you think.....who should amanda like??date i mean