The Potter Twins

The Sorting

Amanda's P.O.V

The doors to the Great Hall opened and i starred in AWE it was beautiful we all started walking into the great hall looking around at the candles flying in midair...the ceiling looking like the night sky. and 4 huge tables with kids tall and short, boys and girls alike looking at us. We walked up to where little stairs which lead to the teachers table.

"The ceiling isn't real. It's bewitched to look like the night sky." Hermione said looking over at me. "I read about it in Hogwarts, A History"

"Wow that is soooo coool!!!" i said almost jumping up and down. There was a ragged old hat on top of a stool. Proffesser Mcgonagall stepped up the steps and said
"Will you wait along here, please" everyone came up and stopped.
"Now before we begin Proffesser Dumbledore would like to say a few words." And the man with the white beard stood up from his throne-like chair.
"I have a few start-of-term notices i would like to announce. the first years, please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the thrid floor corridor is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death." uh-oh don't want to die...staying away from there. "Thank you"

Hermione's P.O.V

"When i call your name you will come forth." Mcgonagall said opening the scroll. "I shaall place the Sorting Hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger." "Oh no! Okay relax." Amanda patted me on the shoulder. why do i have to go first. I started to walk up to the stool and i heard some of what ron was saying. " Mental that one i'm telling you." Ughh how dare he and i sat down. She placed the hat on my head and...
"Very smart.." it said.."Yes you can only hear me." what re you reading my mind.? "Yes" whoa well "Noble and brave very smart...ravenclaw maybe you would fit in there..."

"GRYFFINDOR!" Yes i hopped of the stool and went over and sat next to two red headed boys..probably related to ron.

Harry's P.O.V

"Draco Malfoy" Mcgonagall said and i saw him walk up there with a smirk on his face. She hardly put the hat on his head and it yelled
"SLYTHERIN" cheers from slytherin came as he strutted his way over to the table
'Theres not a witch or wizard who was in slytherin that didnt go bad." Ron whipered to me

"Susan Bones" Mcgonagall said She was walking up to the stool when i saw a man with dark hair at the staff table look at me. My scar started to urn and i looked over to Amanda and hers did too.
"Harry what is it?" Ron asked and then he asked the same to my sister.
"iii dont know" Amanda stuttered
"nothing nothing im fine" i said rubbing my scar

"Lets see o i know...HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat continued.

Amanda's P.O.V

Ihadd my hand on my scar wondering why it burned fo about a second and disappeared

"Amanda Potter" Proffesser said and i looked over to Hermione who was giving me the thumbs up reasurance i needed. I sat down

"Ahhhhhh Potter..."that hat said "where to put you where to put you. Slytherin maybe " "nooooo" i whispered "Let me be with Hermione" "O well the you want Gryffindor you would do soo well in slytherin"

"SL....GRYFFINDOR" YES for i second i thought of being in Slytherin!! I ran to Hermione and took a seat next to her.

Ron's P.O.V

Amanda got into Gryffindor with my brothers and Hermione.

"Ronald Weasley" Mcgonagall said and i looked at Harry and went up there

"HA another Weasley!! i know just what to do with you. GRYFFINDOR!" Yes yes yes i hopped off the stool and sat next to Percy my brother and across from Amanda and Hermione.

"Yay Ronnie" Amanda said smiling "Let's hope that Harry can join us"

Harry's P.O.V

"Harry Potter" my sister smilied at me and was mouthing 'good luck'

"Hmmmm difficult very difficult. your sister was easier. Plenty of courage I see not a bad mind either. There's talent oh yes. and a thirst to prove yourself. but where to put you?
I shut my eyes and whispered 'not slytherin not slytherin'
"Not Slytherin eh? are you sure? you could be great you know. its all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that. No well if your sure better be....

"GRYFFINDOR" it shouted. YESSSS i was with Amanda and Ron and Hermione and not in Slytherin! everyone at the Gryffindor table stood up cheering as i walked over and hugged Amanda and sat next to Ron. There were random yells of 'Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw' but i wasn't paying attention i was talking with Ron, Hermione and Amanda.

"The hat said id be good in slytherin." i said to them

"Same here" Amanda told us "but i said i wanted to be with Hermione and it said sure why not....well not excatly like that" she added because Hermione had looked at her like 'what hat would say that?' They giggled

Amanda's P.O.V

Mcgonagall hit her glass with her spoon to get our attention
"your attention please" Dumbledore stood up and said
"Let the feast begin" with that the empty plates andd tray filled with food and we all started to eat. Ron took two chicken legs and ate them taking one bite from one and one from the other. i looked across the table and saw a boy iwth freckles talking
"I'm half and half." Irish accent "Me dad's a muggle. Mums a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out"

"Say Percy." my brother said talking to Ronnies oldest brother at Hogwarts ' whos that teacher talking to Professer Quirrell?"
"Snape head of Slytherin house."

"what he teach?" he asked
"Potions but everyone knows its the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrell's job for years." ron went to grab a chicken wing and a head popped out

"Hello! how are you?" "Welcome to Gryffindor!" ghosts started flying around the great hall
"Hello sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?" Percy said
"Dismal. once again my request to join the headless unt has been denied." he started to float away when ron said
"I know you. you're Nearly Headless Nick"
"I prefer SIR Nicholas if you dont mind"

"Nearly Headless?" i asked
"How can you be 'Nearly Headless?" Hermione asked
"like this" he grabbed his head and pulled it off. well there was a thread holding it on..just little skin.
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hope u like mnd my spelling im not very in the mood to fix it! who subscribed...just wat to know so i can thank them properly!!!