So what's your favourte colour punk?

Just give 'em ***ing hell kid

Gerard's POV

"Sorry Ols, gonna walk with G here" he shrugged up his shoulders at this "Tradition". Oli looks quite pissed of at this but nods before rolling his window back up and driving off.

God that guy is annoying, seriously and the worst part is that he's hot, so if I didn't love Frank so much and we weren't bitter enemies I might of actually liked him and that’s what gets me...well apart from the him liking Frankie thing. My Frankie.

"So what's up with you, you were really quiet at lunch?" Does he always feel the need to be there for me? Well, I kinda like it (okay I LOVE it, but still you'd think he'd let of once an a while...though I hope he doesn't...what the hell is going on in my mind!). I just had to make up an excuse. How hard could it be right? WRONG! I was at the point where I couldn't say anything in fear of telling him exactly what the fuck was wrong, but of course I couldn't do this. Why couldn't I again? Oh right, Oli.

We got to Frank's house and parted ways, not before he gave me a quick hug and added "Well you know G, if you need me...for anything please tell me" he said all this and then hopped up the stairs to his house and disappeared. For anything? Well the something I needed him for was probably not included in that anything. Fuck this!

Oli's POV

I rolled down the window, he was walking with Gerard again, god that kids hot but nowhere near as hot as Frankie. His hair, his lip ring, his eyes. I mean god, why didn't I just tell him I liked him...Oh yeah. Gerard Way. That kid is awful, like seriously. He hates me because he knows I like Frank (SO WHAT), he is under the impression that he is the only one who can like Frank. So why hasn't he told him that he loves him, wait. I just had the best thought, maybe he thinks Frank likes me? I can dream can't I? I am just gonna keep on chasing him until he gets the message, wraps me in his arms and says...

Yeah, okay better not think like that in public Oli...just not a good idea.

(The very next day!)

Physics. What the hell is knowing the power of something, gonna help me with my band, and possible clothing range? Drop dead is what it's gonna be called, funny that’s exactly what I want to do now. The only thing making this vaguely okay is Frankie who is currently throwing stuff at the teacher when her back is turned. Seriously the experiment we have to do is so stupid, we have to measure our 'power' by weighing ourselves (in front of everybody!!! Some of the girls look like they are gonna cry) then by seeing how fast we can run up a flight of stairs and then doing random shit with the figures. I swear this is an anorexia calling for some of the girls. You would think they would just let you make up a weight, but no, that’s cheating.

I let out a small groan and bang my head against the desk, I rise my head ever so slightly and hear Frankie chuckle at my 'eagerness' to do this experiment.

"Come on Ols, it'll be fun!" why is he always so energetic??!!

"Yes, lets run around in circles so we can find out how powerful we are!" I returned very sarcastically.

"Weeeeeelll" he sighed and then he grinned leaning down so his lips were only millimetres away from my ear, his breath washed over me and my entire body went numb, all that mattered was Frank and his lips being so close to my face....Should I grab him and kiss him there?... "BET IM MORE POWERFUL THAT YOU!!"
I swear my heart rate had shot up, my heart surely couldn't take him being so close to me, his breath washed over me and I swear it was better than cigarettes and I'm addicted to those. Then I got slightly annoyed, could he not tell how much I loved him and I know it's crazy, but for a minute I swore he was gonna kiss me. What a place to do such a thing, but hell yes my crazy over reactive imagination was getting my hopes up again, behind me I heard something snap and fall to the floor. I spun around slowly and noticed Gerard, red faced looking from Frankie to my startled face, still recovering from Frank. If looks could kill I swear I would be dead.

"Oli! Oli! OLI!" I was lying on the floor, must have fainted from franks attack on my nervous system, and when I looked up there he was. An angel.
"I'm so sorry about Gerard" he was giving Gerard evils, and I could live with that!
"What happened Frankie?" I was seriously confused. Franks face washed with realisation and began to fill me in.
"He made you faint with his mind Oli, do you not remember any of this? I swear I will make him pay, no one hurts my boyfriend with their mind and gets away with it!"

Wait...boyfriend! But I couldn't even register this thought before his face was inches from mine and he whispered;
"I love you, I mean this forever" and I closed my eyes and smiled, his face nearing mine and then-

"Dude, you coming?" I looked up startled, damn great timing. Frank looked at me warily.
"Um...oh yeah dude!" I jumped to my feet and ran straight into Gerard;
"Sorry dude"
"Yeah whatever" is all I got in reply, man we didn't get on at least I was being civil.
We walked to the stairs near the art rooms and began the 'experiment' I mean no one was taking it seriously, Dave was just sliding down the banisters screaming which was quite amusing and I was in a really good mood after my little day dream and Frankie being here was even better. So after a while it was my turn to run up and down stairs for the crappy experiment and Gerard had to time me.

I literally legged it, no way is that handsome devil beating me and I got to the top in 4.6 seconds, 0.3 seconds faster than Frankie! Hell yeah. I leant over the banisters and yelled out;

"Beat you!" and stuck out my tongue for good measure. He pretended to pout and I began laughing hysterically and after his little show, so did he. I could have watched him all day but I was hanging dangerously off the banister so I pulled back and stood on the landing grinning to myself. Gerard wasn't impressed, he literally was turning purple;

"Thank's man" seriously that was all I said, but apparently that was good enough for what I got.

Frank's POV

I pouted up at him, seriously he was hilarious like this, after about three seconds I couldn't contain it anymore and I fell to the floor in a fit of hysterics. When I looked up again Oli wasn't leaning on the banisters anymore just standing grinning smugly, then I saw G. He was so still and the expression on his face was so hard and condemning it scared the living shit out of me. He was some shade of deep red, maybe even purple.

Then he collapsed.

I was momentarily stunned, what the hell?

“Gerard!” I began to sprint up the stairs towards him and was by his side so fast I barely remembered climbing the stairs, what the hell had happened to him. Why the hell was he like this and why wouldn’t he tell me? His face was covered by his mop of black hair and I stroked it out of face, as I did so he exhaled slightly. I was stunned for the second time in about thirty seconds; my heart raced faster than I knew it could, but why. I knew why, it was because he was okay, right? But I had no time to contemplate because Oli’s hand went to my shoulder matched with a reassuring smile. That however didn’t calm me down, my heart was doing flip flops in my chest and I had no idea why.

Dr. Ross came up beside me and asked Oli to lift G to the nurse’s office. Oli obliged and within two minutes, myself, Oli and Gerard were in with the nurse. She wanted to keep me for a few minutes for the shock and Oli had insisted on staying with me. To be honest I was glad for the company, but secretly wanted to work out why I started to be such a spaz back there. What was it that happened when I touched his face. It was like getting one thousand electric shocks, but instead of just attacking the fingers they got my whole body and particularly my heart. I couldn’t understand and then when Oli touched me, something else happened. Oh my God.

"Frankie?" Oli looked worried and placed his hand on my knee squezing it gently "I know it's a bit of a shock".

I sighed "Yeah, I guess...but...can I tell you something?" something in his face changed as I said that and I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Frankie" he sighed "you can tell me anything" and I believed him. His deep brown eyes held such comfort for me and I couldn't explain what it was like to look into his eyes. It just felt...right.

"It's just, back there when G fainted and I got to him, it was just like, he was so...and then you...and then...I don't know what happened" I gasped and tried to pull myself together "it's just...I felt something, and I have no idea what it was, and now I'm confused about it and..." I stopped and looked up at him pleadingly "help me".

Oli's POV

"It's just, back there when G fainted and I got to him, it was just like, he was so...and then you...and then...I don't know what happened" my heartbeat stopped "it's just...I felt something, and I have no idea what it was, and now I'm confused about it and..." did he like me? What? "help me" he whispered. He sounded so pathetic and I loved him so much, he was torturing himself and that wasn't fair on him. When he hurts it's funny because it's like I feel it too, doesn't that sound so clichéd but it's not. Not really, it's like I leave a part of me with him and I only wonder if he leaves some of him with me...God I hope so.

I needed to do something, he started to tear up and so I did the only thing I could do, I leant in so that our faces were inches apart. He had closed his eyes at this point and I was so close I could literally feel his heartbeat. I wanted to kiss him so badly. His breath washed over me as a fresh whimper escaped his lips and my mind went numb again momentarily. I progressively moved closer to his face, his eyes opened slowly and he made some kind of motion, I'm not even sure what, it didn't matter right now, all that mattered is that I was here for him and nothing and no one would ever change how I felt.
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