So what's your favourte colour punk?

This is how we like to do it in the *** scene!

Gerard's POV

"ugh, Frank" he was now grinding viciously against my hips and my breath came out short and sharp, this is the most unbelievable sensation ever, Frank's weight crushing me as I kissed him back, moaning loudly into his mouth. This is exactly the way I wanted to stay forever with Frank on top of me, nothing could ever get to me or hurt me ever again.
Everything that had happened in the past years with Oli was over, any feeling Frank had held for him were now being carelessly thrown away by him being here with me. It was like sticking it to Oli and revenge had never felt so sweet.
"Three cheers for sweet revenge!" I screaming pulling my mouth away from Franks and he echoed my screams before returning to me.
"I love you Gerard Arthur Way" his face so full of affection, I lost myself in his deep brown eyes and I swear to god I almost cried, and I NEVER cry!
"I love you too Frank Anthony Thomas Iero, I mean this forever".

Franks POV

Oli's face was inches from mine, my body went into lockdown and I was stuck. I wanted to pull him down on top of me and have my way with him, but there was something else inside of me. A kind of beast, that was horrified and angry at Oli for trying to kiss me, if that indeed is what he was trying to do, I fidgeted slightly, and he hesitated but soon decided it was nothing and moved closer to me. I couldn't take it anymore, I stood up abruptly knocking Oli backwards and onto the floor at the same time G started groaning in his sleep, it was a dull pleasure filled moan...almost as if...


Holy Shit. My face burnt up as I looked from Oli to Gerard and Back again. Say it again?

It was at that point Oli made a loud high pitched screaming noise that made me shrink back slightly, it was the kind of noise a wounded animal made and it rocked me to my very core to hear him in so much pain, but at the same time I felt he deserved it. What was wrong with me? But I didn't have any time to think this through because G had woken and sat bolt upright on the small creaky bed, locking eyes with Oli.

"What the hell?" that was G's first reaction to the situation, Oli didn't move for a moment but I soon realized that a single tear was etching it's was down his face and slowly dripping of his chin it hit the floor. It was so quiet you could actually hear it hit the floor, and then he stood up;

"Sorry" and with that he left.

What was I to do? What could I do? I had been so stupid to react so violently, why the hell had I then? I liked Oli, I wanted to be with him I think, but then what about G? I've known him as long and I love him as my friend and now possibly more? How can I chose between them?

I couldn't.

I ran terrified from the room, ran out of the school building and into the grounds then proceeded to sprint of the grounds before I noticed Oli was chasing me. I needed to get away from him, just until I could clear my head, but where?

I knew where, I sprinted towards the gym, where the schools band 'Mindless Self Indulgence' was putting on a show preparing a set for a inter-school battle of the bands (we would so kill all the other schools!). Half the school must have been gathered there and I pushed my way into the crowd, making it near impossible for Oli to chase me. I saw him trip and disappear from view and I felt a wave of guilt, but I couldn't face that now. Would I ever be able to face it?

They were beginning to play 'Faggot' which I thought was quite appropriate for the circumstances I was in.





It was half way through the song and people were going ape-shit for them, a loud roar was let out as Lyn-z did her famous back bend, which most of the guys loved because they could see up her skirt, but that girl really didn't give a fuck. Which I must admit I loved about her, but that’s not really a good path to go down at the moment, I like her nowhere near as much as G and Oli anyway.

I reckoned the only way I could be sure of being away from Oli is off school grounds so I began to push my way through the crowd and I realized that being small helps for this, no one really resisted much to me leaving so I was out within a few minutes and began to sprint for the gate.

"FRANK!!! FRANK!!! I'M SO SORRY!!! DON'T!!! Frank!" Oli's voice faded behind me the further away I got, and the further away I got from him and G the more I felt like crying myself.

Gerard's POV

Oli really has to ruin everything, I have no idea what was going on whilst I was asleep but I'm sure I don't like it. However waking up to see Oli on the floor screaming in pain wasn't the worst thing to wake up to, especially seeing as it looked like Frank had pushed him. God that's a great thought. I lay there for about ten seconds after Frank and Oli had disappeared before the nurse came storming in, terror stricken.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" she looked around and seeing only me her gaze fixed, then turned to confusion, then repulsion.

I looked down and saw the result of my good dream.
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