So what's your favourte colour punk?

Nothings funny about this

Frank's POV

Ok, so Matt's better now, I hope thats true, otherwise I am the most gullible person alive, well I may be but all the same he did seem sincere. We were sitting in a three in double chem and we were doing some experiment that involved a cloud of purple smoke, we all decided at the begining not to even bother with chemistry as we couldn't be bothered. Sure enough at the end of the class we all got detention, which obviously none of us was going to attend and so we decided to fuck school and ditch the rest of the day, going back to my house.

--time lapse--

We sat in my kitchen, Matt very impressed at his appearance in the newspaper, constantly asking if we thought the photo of him was good, alway concerned about his appearance that kid was, it was ever so slightly annoying after a while but Oli found him quite amusing. It wasn't long before I noticed something, I wasn't sure if I was just being paranoid but I was pretty sure that Matt was hitting on Oli, my boyfriend. All be it my secret boyfriend but still! Oli's awkwardness showed, especially when Matt put his hand on Oli's thigh, that's when Oli decided to excuse himself to go to the bathroom.

"Bit shy is he?" Matt smirked at me.

"No, not really, he just already has a boyfriend you know". Matt raised his eyebrows at my smirk, not really getting why I was so amused.

"Oh, was it that Gerry kid? He was giving him odd looks in chem today?"

That shocked me slightly, I hadn't noticed Gerard looking at Oli in chemistry today, but I was preocupied looking at him myself to be perfectly honest. I wonder why he was doing that, or maybe he was looking at Matt, that seems quite probable.

"Are you sure he wasn't looking at you dude? I mean you are pretty freaky!" Matt leaned across the table slightly;

"I know he was looking at Oli, that proves he either loves him or is jealous of him, maybe he was jealous that he got to sit next to me, I can be very freaky sometimes..." he smirked as my eyebrows were raised "...if you know what I mean" at this his tongue ran along his upper row of teeth seductively, it caused me to instantly shiver and this amused him a lot more than anything so far.

" for christs sake!" If he was going to be like this I was going to just come out and say it, I mean first of all hitting on my boyfriend, then me? Wait, was he hitting on me? He's my cousin! That's so gross! "I'M GOING OUT WITH OLI!" at that point Oli's face popped out from round the door, he had obviously been listening the whole time, but he didn't seem angry his face was beaming and at that point Matt's face was was a mixture between; shock, confusion and amusement. It slightly freaked me out when Oli jumped on me, sending us both tumbling backwards onto my kitchen floor, with Oli's lips attatched to mine exitedly, with Matts laughter roaring in the background.

Gerard's POV

I don't know where they went. It's lunchtime and I'm going to have to sit on my own, again. It's not like I mind so much, but recently Frank seems to have no time for me, and I'm pretty sure today the tradition of walking home together will break. I finished my lunch and walked over to my locker which was directly next to Frank's to get my books for the next few periods, but seeing as the fact that I have gym next and I will be completely on my own, I decided to ditch as well, and headed out of the school in the direction of Frank's house.

When I got there the lights were on and I rang the doorbell, I was greeted by the new kid, who was roaring with laughter at something;

"Come in here man, you have to see how funny this it" he pulled me into Frank's house and through into the kitchen area.

Nothing was funny about this, Oli was straddling Frank, they were locked in a deep and passionate kiss, now rolling around on the floor with Matt screaming with approving amusement.

"Frank! You have a visitor." That's when Frank pulled his face away from Oli's and looked up at me, the tears now streaming down my face, I caught confusion in his eyes before I tore out of his house, with a confused Matt screaming behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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