So what's your favourte colour punk?

The way you don't love me

"Dude! C’mon! This is funny!" Matt called after me, he was wrong. Nothing was funny about that, about them. The demon in my chest began to violently protest at not being able to rip Oli to shreds, but part of me couldn't do that. I couldn't stay in that place and watch them, and I could especially not put on a good face for them now. It was like all I had ever wanted, ever needed was being denied me and I didn't even have the strength to fight for it. So I kept running, even when my lungs cried in agony for me to stop I kept going. Soon enough it began to rain and my legs instinctively carried me home, because my mother and father were out I could be sure of no disturbance. So I ran up to my room, and pressed play on my iPod speakers, and let music drown out my sobs of agony.

Hours dragged by as I let out countless sob after countless sob, it appeared there was no end to the anger, burning deep in my chest. I could kill Oli right now, he knew. He had to have known why I was so angry at him. Didn't he?

After about another twenty minutes of screaming into pillows and knocking items of my shelves, I finally managed to calm down to the point where I could actually think straight. On doing so, a loud groan of a different sort came from my stomach, that's when I realised that I hadn't eaten all day, and that it was now three thirty pm. Descending the stairs to the kitchen in search of food, I quietly pondered on whether I could get away with killing Oli in his sleep, probably not. But it was worth looking into, I mean that way he's out of the picture and poor lonely Frank needs a shoulder to cry on, and then I'll be there. Then I'll him how much I love him and he'll see that he was with the wrong guy all along. Yes, good plan.

I got myself a bowl of special K and sat down in front of the television to eat it, Desperate housewives was on and I didn't really care what I watched so I just sat there, slowly munching on my cereal when the doorbell rang. My parents weren't home before at least ten, so I couldn't figure out who it would be and slowly rising off the sofa to answer it I had a terrible thought. What if it was Oli, here to torment me, and rub it in my face that he had won in the end?

I slowly edged my way towards the door, half in fear, half in excitement, and when I got there I opened it to a very concerned looking Frank and Matt, surprisingly he had managed to detach his parasite who was nowhere to be seen. For now. I opened the door fully, gesturing for them to come in where I led them into the living room, where Brie was now hiding a gun or something to that effect. Frank raised his eyebrows at my choice of program, but Matt seemed delighted calling to us;

"Haha, you guys can talk in the kitchen, I haven’t seen this episode in ages!" much to Franks amusement but his facial expression changed as we exited the room and made our way into my kitchen, and taking a seat he said;

"G, what was up with you earlier? Are you okay...have you been crying?!" he had obviously just worked that last one out from the large red rings that still surrounded my eyes, and so I merely nodded, I was in no position to deny it. At that point, he grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it;

"Why? You know you can tell me anything, right?" this was definitely something he expected me to answer as his gaze locked onto mine, unrelentlessly refusing to let go until I answered.

"You really want to know?" I questioned sceptically

"Of course, I want to help!" he replied a little shocked.

"It's you, the way your holding my hand, the way you look at me as a friend and nothing more, and it's the way I've loved you for nearly all my life and you're now with Oli" I finished. I then suddenly realised what I had said, and nervously waited for him to say something.
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ok, I know this took a while but thanks to everybody who stuck with it! It's not finished yet but we are getting closer to the end. Please comment and let me know what you think!!