So what's your favourte colour punk?

Frankie is a player and they like it

Way to get straight to the point, huh? Had I just ruined everything? Frank sat there for a little while a little shell shocked, I nervously began to look around to see if Matt had come in at my outburst, but he definitely hadn't when I heard him yell;

"So what if he's gay, Andrew is so fit!" so I gathered that Matt was still watching the tv. Just as well too, this would only be all the more awkward if he was here. Soon Frank found the ability to speak again, and still squeezing my hand replied to my outburst.

"Wow...G...why didn't you just tell me?" It was my turn to be lost for words, why didn't I tell him? Crap.

"...Well...What difference would it have made, if you've been fucking Oli all this time it wouldn't have mattered to you, would it?" Frank rose of his chair and slammed my kitchen door shut before he turned around to answer me.

"Okay, firstly I'm no fucking him, and secondly it would have mattered to me..."

"Why" I cut in whilst also rising from my seat, he seemed pretty awkward for a while, like I thought, it wouldn't have made a difference.

"Because" he cut me off this time, and I turned away from him, defeated. He came up behind me, and sighed gently.

"Gerard, please turn around" I hesitated slightly.

"Why" I paused, but slowly turned around anyway.

"So then I can do this..." and before I had time to completely turn to face him, his lips had locked onto mine, un relentlessly holding on for dear life. At the sudden force I fell backwards but I had enough sense to grab hold of him, so he came with me. It was exactly like my dream, I loved the way his hips rested on mine, slowly grinding up against my lower half and it wasn't long before he had me groaning him name in unison with his grinds. His tongue roamed around my mouth, urging mine along with it, rubbing my tongue along the inside of his cheeks and sliding along the back of his teeth until I could barely breathe but I didn't care. Nor did he by the looks of it and I soon rolled him over so that I was on top, mirroring his actions, as if I was saying, 'leave Oli' but instead of saying it, I dry humped him instead. Is there really a difference? It must have been a good five minutes we were at this, until Matt walked into the kitchen ever so gracefully exclaiming;

"It's over, now do you guys think Andrew's sex on legs or...oh" he stopped at the sight on us playing tonsil tennis and other games to that effect on the kitchen floor, but instead of walking away he screamed;

"Oh yes! Frankie is a player!" and started cheering, and whilst it's great having his support in all this but when someone is dancing in your kitchen singing "Frankie is a player and they like it! Frankie is a player and you're all invited!" It's kind of hard to keep kissing each other without feeling awkward.

Although his outburst and rather provoking dance moves were funny, they held truth and I soon realised that this was wrong.

"Frankie" I said turning to him, as I did so I removed hi hand from my thigh "I just don't think I can do this."
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