Blow Me Away

A Baby? Um Wow

“You have to tell him” Hayley hissed.
“I cant” I whispered. We were sitting in her bunk. She groaned, “C’mon. He has to know.”
“Okay. I will tell him. Just not now” I said. She rolled her eyes, “It’s better than nothing I suppose”
I smiled, “Great”
She sighed and layed down. I layed down next to her. I looked over, “Hey Hayles?”
“Thanks” I smiled. She looked at me, “It’s okay. You’re my best friend after all”
I smiled, “Aw thanks”
She laughed, “You’re welcome”
I got up and said, “I wonder how far along I am”
Hayley shot up, “Yeah I know”
I smiled, “How long are we in this city for?”
She looked at the corner of the bunk and said, “Hmmm”
I smiled.
“Oh yeah. Another 3 days”
“Cool” I said. I ran the hospital and made an appointment. It was for tomorrow morning at 10am. Damn. I’ll have to make up an escuse.
“Hayls, come with me” I said after I got off the phone. She nodded, “Sure”
“We’ll just tell everyone we’re going shopping” I said. Hayley grinned, “Great idea”
I smiled and layed back down.

“C’mon” I said. Hayley nodded and we walked off the bus. Pete saw us and walked up to us, “Where are you two running off to?”
I shurgged, “Just the mall”
He laughed, “More clothes?”
“Mmm hmm. Girl cant have too many clothes” Hayley said. He shrgged, “Yeah if you say so. I’ll let you get to it then”
I nodded and we rushed off to the hospital. We were there for about an hour or so. The doctor came in and smiled.
“Happy to be having a baby?” he asked. I nodded, “Yeah absolutely”
Hayley smiled. The doctor looked at us, “You look like the happy couple”
We both laughed.
“Uh uh mister. I aint her ‘partner’. I’m her best freind” Hayley said, smiling. The doctor looked embaressed, “Oh sorry about that”
“How far am I?” I asked. He looked at the results and said, “ 6 weeks”
I smiled, “Cool”
We thanked him and walked out. Hayley looked at me, “I guess we need to go buy clothes now”
“So people believe our going to the mall story, duh” she said like I was stupid. I smiled, “Ohh right”
We went to the mall and bough a couple tops before taking a cab back to the buses. I smiled, “Thanks Hayles”
She smiled, “No problem”
“I think I’m gonna go on FOB’s bus for a while” I said. She nodded, “Yeah. You need time out”
I smiled, “I’ll talk to you later”
“Yeah. And Josh” she said. I sighed, “And Josh”

“Josh can I talk to you?” I asked. He nodded and I sat down. Hayley smiled and shooed the rest of the guys out. She shut the door and Josh frowned, “What’s wrong?”
“I think there’s something you need to know” I said. He nodded, “Okay?”
“ I completely understand if you wanna leave me whehn I tell you”- he cut me off, “What is it?” he asked. I sighed and took a deep breath, “I’m pregnant”
His eyes widened and he froze.
“Your what now? No, thats not possible. Is it? When? How? Preganant?” he asked, lookinga little lost. I put my hand on my head and tried not to cry, “I’m having a baby. It is possible. That night when we went to the club then the hotel. You got me pregnant Josh Farro” I cried. He went to touch my hand but moved away.
“I- wow. A baby. I’m way to young. No, your joking right?” he asked, clearly hoping I was. I shook my head, “No, I’m not joking Josh”
He let out a deep breath, “Oh wow. I umm you know what. I need to go for a walk”
He got up and walked out. I heard the bus door slam and Hayley came rushing in, “Are you okay?”
I nodded and wiped away stray tears, “Yeah fine. Apart from the fact he just walked out on me I’m perfect”
She sighed, “He’ll come around. Dont worry”
I smiled sadly, “Yeah I guess”
She sat next to me.
I got up, “I gotta tell Pete”
She made a worried face, “Oh dear god. This isnt going to be pretty.”
I walked out and called his phone.
“Hello?” he answered.
“Pete come outside” I said. He walked outside and smiled, “What’s up?”
“I’m pregnant” I blurted out. His face contorted, “You’re kidding right?”
I shook my head sadly.
“Farro” he said dangerously. I put my arms out and stopped him from going anywhere. He looked at me, “Dont Pete please”
He sighed, “He got you knocked up”
I smiled a little, “I know but please just dont”
He sighed and put his arms around me. I hugged him back and started crying again. He smoothed my hair, “It’s okay”
“I keep hearing that but I dont believe it” I sobbed.
“Aww Nattie. I’m here and so are yourfreinds” he said. I sniffled and let him go. I looked at him and he smiled.
“Thank you Pete” I said. He nodded, “It’s okay. How far along are you anyway?”
“I um 6 weeks” I said. He nodded, “Okay.”
I sighed, “I’m gonna go talk to Gabe”
He nodded, “Oh and hey, I wont tell anyone if you dont want me too”
“Thanks” I smiled, walking off.
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