Blow Me Away

Life Long Decision

“So Nat, how’s tour going?” Gabe asked, smiling
I shrugged and sat down, “Pretty good I suppose”
He laughed, “You look so awkward when you sit down now”
I patted my huge stomach, “Well, I do have a kid in there you know”
He smirked, “So I heard”
I laughed, “Smart ass”
“Damn right”
I rolled my eyes and he sat down next to me, “Well, tour ends in a couple months”
“Yeah, hopefully I’ll be home when I have the baby. I don’t wanna have to tell her she was born at a truck stop”
He chuckled, “Wouldn’t that be a story”
I nodded, “Mmm”
He got up and helped me up, “Let’s go ask Pete if we can cut the tour short”
I pulled back, “No, no. You don’t need to sacrifice your tour for me”
“We’ve already decided. All of us. We were just waiting for the right time to ask Pete.” He smiled knowingly
I sighed, “I’m staying here. I don’t wanna be there when he rants and screams”
Gabe shrugged, “I’ll be back soon”
“Hopefully” I muttered as he walked out. It didn’t take long for him to come back but when he did he looked a little shaken but other than that, pretty satisfied with himself.
“Okay, so he yelled a little but eventually agreed. We’re going to Chicago”
I smiled then frowned, “He’s gonna be here any second to talk to me”
“How do you-”
The door burst open, “Nat can we talk?”
Gabe’s eyes went wide, “How’d you know that”
“I’m psychic” I muttered, walking to see my brother
“I know Gabe told you I yelled but we will cut the tour short if it’s really what you want” he smiled warmly
“No Peter. I don’t want you cutting nothing short for me”
“Too late. I just thought I’d be nice and ask you what you wanted first”
“Even though it didn’t matter?”
“Pretty much”

“Hayleeeeeyyyy” I screamed, waddling over to her. She laughed, “You look like a penguin”
I poked my tongue out at her, “Bitch”
She patted her chest, right near her heart, “Right here babe, right here”
I laughed, “Are you going back to Franklin?”
“Hell no. I’m coming home with you”
I smiled, “Really now?”
She nodded, looking defiant. I laughed, “Okay if you say so. What about the guys?”
“Well Josh is coming with me and Jeremy and Zac are going back home for a while.”
“Ohh” I nodded. I saw Zac walking with Josh and I called him over. He smiled and walked to me. I hugged him and kissed his cheek, “I’ma miss you Zacky”
“I’m gonna miss you too Nat”
Josh smiled, “You’ll see each other before you know it”
I stepped back, “Ohh so no flipping out this time”
He glared, “Shut up Nat”
I laughed and he smiled, kissing me.
“Naww” I heard Hayley coo. I stuck my finger up at her and she gasped. We broke off and she was glaring at me.
“Naw I love you” I smiled. She grinned, “I knew it! Ha Josh, suck on that”
She walked off and Josh looked lost. I smiled and patted his cheek, “Don’t worry babe. I still love you”
He scratched the back of his neck and said, “I think I’m gonna go for a walk. You guys creep me out when you’re like this”
I laughed and he walked off with Zac. I caught up with Pete.
“Hey” he smiled, “We’re leaving tonight”
“Pete you don’t have to do this”
“Yes I do. You’re my sister. Oh and by the way, you might wanna tell mom and dad. All I said was we’re coming home and so are a few friends”
“Oh shoot” I said. He smiled and walked away. I grabbed my phone and called home.
“Hello?” I heard my father’s voice
This was gonna be so hard.
“Hey daddy” I smiled sadly
“Nattie hey. How are you?” he said, sounding happier
“Great. Umm I need to talk to you”
“Did you get arrested again?” he sighed, “Cause I told you next time I’m not bailing you out”
I laughed, almost wishing I were in jail.
“No daddy. Didn’t get arrested. I’m pregnant”
“Pregnant” I whispered.
“I know okay!” I exclaimed
“Did you even think about any of this?” he asked, calming down
“Yes dad I did. I’m not that stupid okay. I want to keep this baby”
“Okay” he sighed, “I’m sorry. It’s just a surprise that’s all. I guess you’ll tell…. Or show your mother when you get home?”
“Yeah dad”
“Okay. I’ll see you soon. Bye Nat”
“Bye dad”
I hung up and smiled.
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hahaha update... comments people please... or no updates :) yeahhhh blackmail :)