'Til We Die

Not So Alone In A Crowd

I stared at my computer screen, unsure of what to do. Should I comment her, or should I message her? I kept reviewing that question over and over again. I was surprised that i wasn't shaking. I decided to refresh the page since it was a good five minutes since I accepted her request. And to my surprise, she had already made the move of messaging me first.

"Thanks so much for the accept. I'm glad some one is nice enough to actually give me a chance!" I read the message aloud, smiling at her statement.

"Yeah, the school is very clique-ish so if you didn't go here in the beginning, you will basically have no friends. Plus most of the girls are to full of them selves to even notice any one." I typed my message and sent it. After a few minutes, I refreshed the page and another message was posted.

"Ha ha, yeah, I figured since that no one would accept me, they did look that way to....its a pity to tell you the truth, they will fall eventually, when we all get to high school. =D. So tell me about your self, I wanna know more about my new friend." I was so excited, I finally made a new friend. I was about to begin typing but then I heard my mom come up the stairs.

"Joanna, time for bed! Turn off that computer right this instant!" Damn, just when I was about to tell her about me, well she is going to my school now so I can tell her more tomorrow.

"Charlotte, sadly my mom is forcing me to go to bed, listen before home room, meet me in room A105, no one will be there so we can hang together for a while. Sorry for cutting this short, good night." I typed furiously and then logged off and shut down and hopped into bed before my mom could yell at me. I was so excited, I wonder how she'll be in person.

When my alarm clock rang I sprang outta bed and got dressed as quickly as I could, I for once did my make up nicely and did my hair pretty decently.

"Wow Joanna, you look really pretty today, why don't you dress like this everyday?" My mom questioned me in surprise.

"Because today is going to be different mom, Ill explain later, trust me." I stated with a huge grin. My mom couldn't smile in return. she was happy at my new tone. I ate breakfast quickly and as I began out the door my heart began to pound. Oh jeez, what was I getting myself into?

The bus ride was the longest part but we all got to school eventually and I finally rushed off of the bus, smashed everything into my locker and sprinted to A105 to meet my new friend. When I got there, I was surprised to find that Charlotte was really there.

"Hey there you are! Did you just get here?" She asked with a beautiful smile. I was stunned for a minute that this was actually happening.

"Joanna, you okay?" She asked, breaking my daze. I shook my head and nodded.

"Sorry, I just was in a daze for a moment there. So hows it going?' I managed to say with out stammering.

"Its all good, sorta bored but you are here now so you will make things fun." She said beaming. I couldn't help my self from blushing and she laughed at me.

"Silly Joanna. So back to our conversation from last night, tell me more about your self." She stated. I felt my self tense up but shook it away. Don't mess this up Joanna, just don't! I told my self over and over again.

"Well, I really don't believe in labels, its awful truthfully and, Music is truly my life, I mean it helps me with everything. My mom is okay but she is the kind of person who has an a opinion about everything and I'm the type of girl who tries to come out of the shadows but those shadows pull me back down." I explained my self literally in a nutshell and I was surprised that i did it that quickly. Charlotte smiled at me.

"Very cool, don't mind me questioning you but what do you mean by 'the girl who wants to come out of the shadows but those shadows keep pulling her back down'?" She posed the question like she was part of the police and I got intimidated by it. I gulped, took a deep breath and thought for a moment.

"Well, personally I have no friends and the reason why is because I'm super shy." She nodded but her smile faded.

"Hey Joanna, do you want to skip school today with me?" She suggested suddenly. I gave her a funny glance. Skip school? Why does she want to do that on her first day?

"Hurry the bell is gonna ring and I want to get outta here before it does!" She stated urgently. I sighed and just nodded with out really thinking about it. Just a movement on its own. She smiled and grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the class room and ran towards the door.
Is this what having a friend is like? Going out and missing school just because we don't want to attend it?

We managed just to get outside when the bell rang. I was so excited and on an Adrenalin high.

"This is great isn't it?" She asked through her laughter. i laughed at her laughing and just simply nodded my head.

"So, now that we escaped, what are we gonna do?" Charlotte thought and then smiled.

"i know! Lets go to my house, its really close here. I dunno about you but, my mom isn't home so lets go!" She exclaimed. Taking the lead and I simply followed because I clearly didn't know the way to her house.

It was like Charlotte said, her house wasn't that far from our middle school so it took us just about ten minutes to walk .

"Tadaa! My house!" She said, throwing her hands up in the air, showing off her house like it was on some sort of commercial or TV show. "So, what do you think?"

"Its nice." Was all I could think of at that moment. It was a nice big house, not like a mansion but it was bigger than mine. Well, don't just stand there, come in!" She said being pushy. Then again, I would be to if my friend was just standing there, gawking at my house.
I followed her in, taking in all the surroundings. Her house was clean and had nice things that decorated its halls.

"Are you hungry, thirsty?"

"Oh, do you have any apple juice?" I asked, slightly worried that she would snap for no reason.

"I think we do, I love apple juice or any kind of fruit juice that is out there." She stated, checking in the refrigerator.

"Really? Me to!" i exclaimed loudly. She laughed as she pulled out the apple juice and poured into two glasses.

"Here you go!" She said cheerfully.

"Why thank you!" I took a gulp of it and sighed. I do love my apple juice. "So, what do you want do?"

"Come on, I wanna show you my room." I followed her up the winding stair case and then turned right and walked down a long hall. Her room was at the very end with a bright green door. It hurt my eyes so I looked down at my shoes.

"I would like to introduce you to....my room!" She exclaimed as she swung open the door. Her room was pretty and was painted with bright colors. It was all green with a line of a lighter lime green going through that went around the room. Her room wasn't all that bigger than mine, just had more things to it. Her bed was big with, of course, a dark green blanket. She had a vanity corner with a huge mirror and a a lot make up and trinkets.

"So, what do you think?" She asked, breaking my concentration.

"Its nice, I like it but isn't a little to green?" I went out on a limb by asking that, unsure of how she would react.

"Thats what my mom said!" She said, breaking out into another fit of laughter. I let a breath of relief pass through my lips and smiled.

"I can imagine.....but I really do like your room, its slightly bigger than mine." I said with a smile. She smiled to and ran over and jumped in her bed.

"Ahhh, I love my bed!" She said, her voice muffled since she was face down in her covers. She looked up at me. "Well, don't just stand there! Join me on here!" I smiled, and began to take off my shoes and then walked over and sat down.

"Your bed is comfy!" I said with a smile. "Makes me wanna fall asleep." Charlotte smiled and looked out her window and sighed. It made me wonder why she came to my school.

"Hey Charlotte, how come you got transferred?" At first she didn't respond but then she snapped her head in my direction.

"Uh what, why I got transferred? Oh well this kid was bothering me and I just happened to snap. I ended up punching him in the face pretty hard. About a day later, the Principal called me down and I met face to face with him and he told me that I couldn't attend the school anymore since I was apparently I bad influence. I thought that was whole load of bull but I couldn't say anything to the guy since my parents were there to....it sucks majorily." She explained getting slightly pissed off.

"And you know whats even worse? My parents wont even look at me the same way again, they kinda just give me these blank stares like as if it takes their full attention to try to figure me out!"

"Wow, that does suck, what did the kid do?" I asked, slightly nervous that she was gonna punch me for asking.

"Oh he was just a total ass, thats all. He kept putting things in my hair and stuff."

"Sounds like some one I know." I mumbled under my breath.

"Whats that Joanna? Is some one bothering you?" Charlotte said. It sounded more like a demand.

"Try the whole school but, there is the one guy though thats ten times worse than everyone else. His name is David....I nick named him the king of the assholes because he keeps putting stickers in my hair, keeps calling me names and stuff....yeah just basically you're everyday ass except on week ends I hear that he beats up kids that run into him." I explained, dropping my gaze from her face to her blanket.

"Well let me come home with you now a days or you come home with me. This way he has to go through me!" Charlotte announced and gave me a wink.

"Really, you'll do that!" I exclaimed, practically jumping off the bed in pure excitement.

"Trust me Hun, you're my new best friend, I wont let any one hurt you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I hope this is better than the first chapter and all so I hope that its a bit longer to xD

Kay well please comment.