Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Hospital Visit

Lyric woke up in a room that was similar to her own yet different. She noticed that her sister was sleeping on the bed next to her, kneeling on the floor, and that there was a note on the bedside table. She tried to sit up but couldn't manage it with the pain that coursed through her chest whenever she moved. She reached over and finally managed to grab the paper.

It read :
Dear Lyric,
We found you lying on the living room floor after some boy knocked on our doors and woke us up. I don't know whats going on, but once your awake, wake your sister and she'll come get me. Then I want the whole story. Your at the hospital and the doctor said that you may have broken a few ribs and then asked why you were convered in bruises. When I was unable to answer their questions, they started asking the boy(I think he said his name was Ethan) but he refused to tell them until you were awake. They won't let me see you until you can tell them how you got hurt...and I'd like to know as well, although I have my theory.
love, mom

Lyric sighed and contemplated whether or not to wake her sister, especially if Ethan had woke them all up after she passed out. When she looked at her sister, she realized that she didn't have to make the decision because her sister was already awake.

"I'll go get mom." Brianne told her sleepily.

Lyric didn't respond and watched her sister walk out of the room and down the hall a little ways. When she came back, she was followed by her mom, Ethan, and a female doctor that Lyric didn't know.

"It's good to see your awake."The docter told her smiling.

"Yes, it really is. Are you alright?" Her mother aksed.

"I think so...just my ribs hurt."Lyric told them.

The doctor nodded and then inroduced herself as Dr.Day. Lyric raised her eyebrow at the name, but didn't say anything about it.

"You broke some ribs. Aside from that your not hurt, just bruised up pretty badly. Would you like to explain how you got the bruises, since your mother doesn't seem to know and your friend here won't say a word?" Dr. Day was giving Lyric an inquisitive look.

Lyric sighed and looked at her sister meaningfully. Her mom understood and shooed her out into the hall before shutting the door. After making sure that her sister couldn't hear what was being said inside the room, Lyric explained to them everything that had happened. Her mother looked appaled for most of it, but the doctor just kept a straight face, nodding when appropriate.

"Thats what I expected it to be. Is your stepfather still at the house?" Dr. Day asked once Lyric finished her story.

"Not unless he finally remembered to take his key, which I doubt. We really didn't give him a chance to grab anything when we kicked him out."

"You kicked him out?" Her mother asked incredilously.

"Well, really, Ethan kicked him out. I was concentrating on standing upright." Lyric replied sheepishly.

Her mother nodded and sat down heavily on the edge of the bed. She didn't say anything, but her face told them everything she was feeling. Lyric looked from her mother to the doctor, to Ethen, who hadn't said an single thing since they got in the room. Suddenly, she felt immensly tired. She asked them all if it would be alright if she took a nap.

They quickly agreed and went to another room. Lyric sighed and closed her eyes, lying back on the bed. She didn't hear the door open again, or feel it when someone sat beside her.


Hoping deeply that Lyric was fully asleep and wouldn't hear what he was about to tell her, Ethan took a deep breath.

"Lyric." He whispered.

When she didn't answer, he let out the breath he had been holding. he leaned down closer to her so the he was whispering in her ear.

"Lyric, I lied to you. You are the reason I broke up with Brooklyn. Or, at least your part of it. But it was the biggest part. I knew she was cheating on me. I didn't care...that is, I didn't care until that day when she ran into you in the hall. She was right, I took an interest in you that very day. When I found out you lived next door and made frequent visits to your roof, I went up there every night, just hoping you would come up and we could talk." Ethan took a deep breath realizing that he'd said all of what he had in one breath.

"I'm hoping you won't hear me when I say this Lyric, but I want to be with you. I want you to be mine..." He trailed off at the last part and kissed her cheek.

He sat up and walked out of the room, leaving the door slighty ajar behind him.
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ok, so this one was kinda crap. I'm really sorry, it's really just ment to be kind of a filler. the next will be better, I promise.