Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Good News

Lyric woke to the sun blinding her as it shone through the window of her hospital room. She groaned and rolled over closing her eyes to try and go back to sleep. She heard the door to her room open and, sighing, sat up to see who it was.

Her mom looked back at her and walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I've got good news, honey." Mrs.Bouet told her smiling.

"What?" Lyric asked her.

"Well, the police found your stepfather wondering around the street a couple blocks from the house and have taken him into custody. Also, I decided...I'm divorcing him. We don't need him anymore anyways." Mrs. Bouet smiled down at her daughter.

Lyric grinned and hugged her mom tightly. "That's great mom!"

Her mom grinned at her and hugged her back. They talked for a little longer, her mom asking how she was and if she slept well.

"I slept just fine, and aside from some pain in my ribs, I'm ok. When do I get to go home?"Lyric asked.

"You should get to go home tomorrow."Her mother told her after some thought.

Lyric nodded and talked with her mom some more before her little sister ran into the room, chased by Ethan. He managed to catch her just before she reached the bed, and she burst into high pitched laughter when he started tickling her. He lauged before finally letting her go. She ran to the bed and hid under Lyric's covers.

"She let you catch her, you know that right?" Lyric told Ethan laughing.

"How do you know I'm not just fast?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Cause is she really didn't want to be caught, you wouldn't have caught her. Past experiances, belive me." Lyric replied pulling the blankets back and looking down at her younger sister.

Brianne smiled back up at her before hugging her and slipping out of the bed. She ran towards the door and, after she was gone, Lyirc could hear her calling Kieryn's name. Lyric laughed again, knowing that the boy was in for a tickle fight, but winced when pain ran through her ribs.

"Does it hurt?"Ethan asked innocently.

"Nah, not at all."Lyric retored sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

"Just asking." Ethan laughed throwing his hands up in defense.

Lyric stuck her tongue out at him, and when he returned the gesture, Mrs. Bouet snorted and walked out of the room muttering something about finding unruly children in the halls. Lyric and Ethan burst out laughing at this. Ethan sat down on one the chairs across the room.

"You don't have to sit so far away, I don't bite."Lyric told him smiling.

"As far as I know you don't." He teased as he moved closer.

"Well, even if I did, you still moved closer so ha."Lyric stuck her tongue out at him again.

"Fine then."He scoffed and moved back into his original seat.

"Hey! Get back here!" Lyric cried out indignantly, pouting.

Ethan laughed and moved the chair closer to the bed.

"So how are you feeling? Aside from the pain in your ribs that is."Ethan asked resting his elbows on the edge of the bed.

"Better. Did you hear? The police found my stepfather and my mom's planning to divorce him."Lyric told him relaxing back into the bed.

"Well, thats great! Maybe he'll get what he deserves." Ethan replied.

"Ya know...I had the strangest dream last night..."Lyric trailed off looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah? What about?"Ethan asked, immediatly interested.
