Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Secret Meetings

A few days later, Lyric was back in school trying her hardest to catch up. Her teachers all knew the situation, and she had finally decided to tell Cheryl and Damian why she had been missing for a couple days. Cheryl sympathized and Damian kept cursing her dad. Ethan now sat with them at lunch, but they all tried not to bring up the subject too much.


Lyric walked out of her classroom just as that last bell rang, putting her ear buds in and turning it to two weeks by all that remains. She sang silently as she walked down the halls. Suddenly she had an urge to play something and changed her direction towards the music room. She peeked into the room once she got there, and seeing that it was empty, silently opened the door.

She felt her phone vibrate as she sat in one of the chairs and knew that it would be a text from Cheryl asking her where she was. Lyric quickly replied, telling her that she needed time to herself and would meet up with all of them later. Picking up a guitar, she plucked a few notes humming softly to herself.

Lyric started to play a song she had written when she was in middle school and decided that it needed to be updated, just a little. She changed come of the notes and tried a few new riffs she had been wanting to try out. She reached into her bag and quickly pulled out her binder full of blank sheet music and wrote down the chords and riffs. She finished the song and decided that it needed words.

She didn't hear the door open as she started to sing and write down random word pairings. Erasing every once in a while she picked up the guitar and put the words and notes together. She smiled at the turn the song had taken, liking it more and more every time she adjusted it. Finally she looked at her phone and noticed that she had been working on the music for over an hour. She quickly put the guitar back and, grabbing her stuff, made her way out the door. She still didn't notice the person sitting in the back of the classroom who had been watching and listening to her for the past half hour.

Pulling out her cell phone, Lyric quickly sent Cheryl a text apologizing and asking where they wanted her to meet them. She didn't put her phone away, knowing that Cheryl would text back sooner than she realized. She looked at the text and saw that they were all at the library waiting for her. She didn't question why they were at the library, just hurried over.

When she got there, Lyric found it really difficult to find her friends. When she finally spotted them, she was surprised at what she saw. They sat in a secluded corner surrounded by piles of books. But that wasn't had caught her attention. As Lyric looked closer, she realized that her assumption was right. Cheryl and Damian were holding hands. She knew she that had been out of it the past couple of days, but had she really missed that much?

Walking over to the group, Lyric gave Cheryl a questioning look but didn't say anything about it. Instead she pulled out her phone and sent her a text saying that she definitely had some explaining to do. Cheryl just replied with a smile.

"So, whats with all the books?"Lyric asked as she looked at the assorted titles.

"Nothing really. They're just a cover up."Cheryl explained.

"For what?"Lyric asked suspiciously.

"So people don't bother us. We've decided that Brooklyn needs to get a taste of her own medicine." Cheryl smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean? And does it involve me in anyway?" Lyric asked raising an eyebrow.

Lyric could understand the fact that Brooklyn needed to be taught a lesson, with that she whole-heartedly agreed. She had been tired of hearing the snide remarks about her disappearance from Brooklyn, and all her friends possible suggestions. But she didn't understand why it would involve it so obviously did.

"Of course it involves you. And Ethan." Cheryl told her with a grin, confirming her worst fears.

"What am I involved in involuntarily?" Ethan asked.

Lyric looked him realizing that he had said a thing since she had arrived. She looked back at Cheryl who was grinning at both of them.

"Well. I need the both of you to pretend that your together. Just so she'll freak. I know for a fact that she still wants Ethan, especially after Chase dumped her. If she sees you with him, Lyric, she freak for sure. I'm not really sure how it'll affect Ethan but it could help you out a little Lyric." Cheryl quickly explained.

"How in the world would that be helping me any! That would only make her hate me more!" Lyric cried out.

"I like the idea." Ethan replied.

"You would."Cheryl retorted smirking at him.

What in the world were these two talking about? Lyric thought frustrated. She had no clue what had given Cheryl this "Brilliant plan", but she was sure the Ethan had had something to do with it, and she was not liking it. Not liking it at all....