Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Music room

They all met the next day to finalize all the plans and make sure that everyone knew their parts. The plan was for Ethan to ask Lyric the next day at school, in a spot where they knew for sure that Brooklyn would see them. Cheryl and Damian had decided not to be around because then it might just look a little too planned.

Ethan was greatly enjoying th idea of growing through with the plan, but not because it would get back at Brooklyn. He was glad that it was Lyric playing the part of his girlfriend, because it made it so much easier to not follow the script...


The day before they were supposed to put their plan into action, Lyric hid from her friends, hoping not to run into any of them for the rest of the day. She showed up late, and instead of heading to her classes like she normally might, she went straight to the music room. There wasn't a music class first period, so she had the room to herself. She picked up a guitar and went back to working on the song she had been last time she was in the room.

Eventually the teacher came in. When she told him waht she was doing, he just smiled and let her stay in the class. She had gotten all the work from her teachers beforehand, already knowing that she wouldn't want to be in any of her classes today. When the bell rang, she stayed in the class and when the students finally started coming in, she moved into the back of the roo into an empty seat.

The teacher didn't introduce her and the students didn't ask. She quietly sat and watched the class. When it was time for the students to start working on whatever the teacher had passed out, she picked up the guitar she had been using earlier and excepted the music the teacher was trying to give her. She enjoyed the class because it taught her some of the stuff she had been having trouble learning on her own.

She sat through all the periods of the day, learning a little bit more and more with each class. The periods were split up into different levels, depending on how long each person had been playing an instrument. Fianlly, the school day was over. After all the studenst had filed out and the teacher had cleaned off his desk, he stopped at the door and asked Lyric if she would be staying a little longer or if she was leaving.

Lyric told him the she would be staying alittle longer, he asked her if she would be willing to lock up before she left. She smiled at him and willingly agreed to watch the classroom and lock up. He thanked her and shut the door. That was when she took the time to finally take a good look around the room.

The walls were lined with different definitions of music terms and posters of long dead composers. The ceiling had a long band of multicolored music notes circling the entire room. The white board had black tape on it, making the lines for a measure of music. Above the blackboard there was a long poster of all the musical scales. There were chairs in the front of the room for band, and in the back there were waht looked like cloth covered stairs. Lyric guessed that they were for the choir.

sighing, Lyric sat back down in the chair she had occupied earlier and went back to work on the sheet of music the teacher had given her. She hadn't quiet understood what the notes were, but the teacher had quickly explained to the class how to read the notes. It had been the beginners class.

After getting about halfway through the piece, Lyric put it away and decided to play the song she had had stuck in her head for the entire day. Not Good Enough for the Truth in Cliche softly rang through the room, soon followed by the sound of Lyrics voice. After she completed the song, she played the one she had been working on and completed ealier. When she was done, she was met by a round of applause.

She spund around and stared at the person who sat at the back of the room.

"Who the-?" Lyric asked standing up.

"Calm down, I wont hurt you. Ya know, that song has improved since when I first heard you play it." The boy pointed out as he walked towards her.

"You've heard me play before?" Lyric asked.

"The first time you used the music room. I heard you play then as well. You've got a really pretty voice." He stopped in front of her.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"My names Ty. Yours?" He asked sticking out his hand.

"None of your business." She retorted ignoring his hand.

"Well, thats an interesting name." Ty mused.

Lyric rolled her eyes and quickly gathered her stuff to leave.

"Wait, don't leave. I want to hear more of your music." Ty yelled after her as she was about to shut the door.

"You want to get you ass kicked is what you seem to want." Lyric retorted, slamming the door in his face.

She walked quickly and was able to get around the corner and out a side door before Ty was even able to succesully get out of the classroom. Remembering that she was supposed to be locking up after she left, she hid against the side of the building ad snuck back once she was sure that Ty was no longer there.

Sighing, Lyric backed away from the door and checked her phone. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw how many messages she had waiting for her. She had five text messages from Cheryl, asking where she was, six voice mails from her mom, asking the same thing, and one text from a sender she didn't regconize. She responded to all the others before opening the one she was unfamiliar with.
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yay, and update! lol to bads it's crap =P
