Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Diner Surprises

Lyric re-read the text for the third time, wondering what it could mean and who it could be from. She had no clue what, 'I'm not following the script tomorrow' ment...she didn't even know what they ment by script. She decided to ignore that text and asked texted Cheryl, asking her where they wanted her to meet them.


Lyric found Damain and Cheryl sitting in a corner booth in a diner, sitting together and talking. She grabbed a menu and went to join them. As soon as she got close to the booth, they both stopped talking.

"Why do I feel like i'm missing something?" she asked as she sat down

"Cause you are." Cheryl told her with a smile before turning back to Damian.

"I'm surprised I didn't walk into a make-out fest..."Lyric mumbled as she read the menu.

"Hey, watch it. don't give her any ideas." Damian exclaimed, laughing when Cheryl hit his arm.

Lyric watched them and was surprised when she felt a pang of jealousy. She knew that she wasn't jealous of them, so much as she was jealous of the theought that they both had someone who cared. She sighed, quickly dismissing the thought and going back to her menu.

When a waiter finally made it to their table, Lyric had been ready to order for sometime and was slightly frustrated with the guy. She finally looked up and realized that he was the same guy who had been in the music room. How had he gotten there before her, she wondered as he smiled and tried to make small talk.

"Hey! Your the girl from the music room. The one who says her name's none of your business!" Ty grinned at her.

"Lyric, whats he talking about?"Cheryl asked, greatky confused.

"So that's your real name? Lyric? It's really pretty...I like it. " He declared with a smile.

Cheryl and Damian were both giving her weird looks now and she put her head in her hands, really aggravated with the guy.

"Will you just go get me what I ordered?" She snapped without looking up at him.

Ty seemed flustered and didn't say anything in response to the outburst. Lyric sighed as he walked away and then looked up to meet the curious expressions of her two friends.

"I met him when I was hiding out in the band room today. He overheard me playing and tried to comment on it, but I stormed out before he really had a chance." Lyric quickly explained.

"Why'd you storm out?" Damian asked.

"Because I don't like people listening to me when i'm playing. No one's ever heard me play before him, and even then, it was without my permission. My music is something I don't like to broadcast for everyone to hear." Lyric explained, her tone slightly harsher than she ment it to be.

They both looked at her like she had lost it and she sighed and looked down at the table again. She knew she shouldn't have come to meet them. Today had started as a good day, but had quickly turned bad...definately bad.

"Look, I should probably go. You guys can eat my food when it gets here. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." Lyric quickly stood up and without giving them time to protest, walked out the front doors of the diner.
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sorry it's so short!!!