Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Rooftop Inguiries

Lyric wondered around the town a little longer before finally deciding to head home. When she opened the door, she was bobarded with questions from her sister and mom. She answered them as quickly as she could, and excused herself.

Once she was in her room, she let out a long sigh and turned on her ihome. She wasn't sure what had come over her, but she really didn't want to know, and knew that she needed to get away from people. She turned her ihome up so that she would be able to hear it, and climbed out onto her roof.

She made it up to the widow's walk and let out an even bigger sigh. She loved having the walk, a place where she could get away and just be alone. She forgot that there were people living on either side of her, but didn't let it bother her when she finally remebered. She didn't hear her mom enter her room over her ihome, so when she joined Lyric up on the roof, she was surprised.

Lyric spun around when she heard her mom let out a sigh similar to her own.

"Are you all right?" Mrs. Bouet asked looking at her daughter.

"Yeah, I'm fine...I've just had a rough day." Lyric explained.

"You seem to be having alot of least since we moved here." Her mom commented looking out over the beach.

Lyric followed her mother's gaze before responding. "It's not your fault. And it wasn't the move here. You made a mistake, thats all. This place is amazing...I just don't know if it's for me..."

"I thought as much. I can't say I'm willingly thinking about this, but I have thought about it. What would you say to moving back?" Mrs. Bouet asked, still not looking at Lyric.

"Are you serious? I mean...I'd love to move back, but we just got settled, and everything is finally figured out. I have friends and good grades, Brianne has friends and is in the middle of school. That would be terrible on her. And then there's Keiryn...he might not care so much." Lyric stared at her mother in desbelief.

"I was just a thought, I didn't think you guys would be all too willing. I just thought you might like to know where my thoughts were...especially after what just happened." Her mother finally looked at her.

Lyric shuddered at the memory, but smiled sadly at her mother. Her mother returned the smile and hugged her. When they finally released eachother, her mother wiped her eyes and laughed shakily.

"Why are you crying?" Lyric asked.

"It's because your all grown up. You've been through so much, and your still so strong...even stronger than I am." Her mother explained.

"I'm just being what I need to be." Lyric replied, blushing at her mother's compliment.

Soon, her mother left, but not before reminding her to be back in her room before dark. Lyric laughed and promised to do so, noting that it was already sunset. After her mom had left, she turned back to the beach and let the last few moments of sunlight wash over her as she the water below.

"You know, you really have been through a lot." Someone said from somewhere off to her side.

"I keep forgetting you live next door." Lyric replied with a smile.

"Well, don't I feel loved. I wonder at how you can stay as strong as you do..." Ethan told her.

"Don't ask me. I can honestly say that I don't think I'm strong...I'm just being me." Lyric replied.

"Being you...your being what you need to be?" He questioned, quoting her.

"Exactly. I'm being what I need to be for my family and for myself." Lyric told him quietly.

He didn't say anything, just looked at her. She didn't return the look, suddenly nervous. She remebered back to the days when she was in the hospital, the night where she had heard something she wasn't supposed to have heard.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Ethan asked, suddenly breaking the silence.

"No, not really. I mean...doesn't she hate me enough as it is?" Lyric joked, still nervous.

"Well, then it won't make much of a difference, will it? I thought you didn't care what she thought of you?" Ethan asked with a smile.

"I really don't...I just don't want more drama." Lyric replied.

There was more silence, but Lyric broke it almost as suddenly as Ethan had.

"Ethan, whats your last name?"

"Wells. Why?" He looked at her confused.

"Wells? Then why..."Lyric didn't finish the question.

"Why what? What's wrong?" Ethan asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. I've got to go. " Lyric excused herself and climbed back dowm into her room quickly.

Once she had her window shut, she pulled out her phone, just to double check. Sure enough, the name on the unknown text messages was Wells. So, what had he ment when he had sent them? Lyric read the one about not follow the rules...could Ethan have been talking about tomorrow?

Lyric shook her head to clear it before sighing and closing her phone. The only way she was ever going to figure any of this out would be to wait and see...but, oh, what a long wait it would be.