Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

First Day

Lyric sat in the front seat of the car really not wanting to get out. The first day at school was always torture for her...especially when she'd just moved into town and knew that everyone else knew eachother.

Sighing, she shut off the car and got out after grabbing her ipod out of the cup holder. Putting the ear pieces in and turning up the volumes until others could hear it was her only way of telling people to leave her alone. She searched her songs and found just what she was looking for.

'No More Room to Breathe...perfect' she thought clicking it and letting the beat fill her head. She tried not to dance as she walked, but she wasn't having very much luck. She had closed her eyes to get the full effect of the music, and so she didn't see it when a car pulled out right in front of her until she ran into it. She hit the pause button and heard people laughing.

"Watch where you're going bitch!" someone yelled out the windows.

Deciding not to answer, Lyrics simple stepped around the car and unpaused her music. She kept her eyes open this time. She tried her hardest not to let the laughter she had heard get to her, but she wasn't do a very good job. She just knew that the rest of the day was going to be a complete and total wreck....


Finding her first class had never been this hard. What was this school, a museum? Lyric sighed as, again, she looked at her shcedule and tried to read the numbers on the classroom doors.

'Damn contacts don't work worth a shit...'she thought angrily. She would definately have to fix that before the next day. Again, she wasn't paying much attenion to where she was going, having been paying more attention to her schedule, and she didn't see the boy and girl walking towards her. Until she ran into them that is.

"Hey, your the one who ran into my car earlier!" the girl yelled at her. The girl was relatively short, with a chest the size of watermelons, and fake bleach blonde hair with pink streaks.

"Yeah, so ya gotta problem with it?" Lyric asked defiantly looking down at her.

"Actually I do. You could've contaminated it with your ugliness." the blonde sneered

"I think it's just a little too late for that...for both you and your car. I think my looks rubbing off would be a much needed improvemnet." Lyric replied sizing the girl up to see if she would throw a punch.

Instead the girl huffed and turned to the boy who had been walking beside her.

"Why don't you help me out a little here?" She asked him haughtily.

"I don't get involved in girl drama." he said quietly.

Lyric took a closer look at him when he was talking. He had dark hair with red streaks through it and, compared to the blonde shrimp beside him, was really tall. He dressed in the sam general stye that she did, while the blonde dressed like a hooker. Lyrics was surprised she hadn't gotten dress coded for her outfit yet.

The blonde girl whined when the boy said that he woldn't help and called him Ethan. He didn't respond so she turned back to Lyric.

"Just wait. You won't get away with that comment.."

"Really? 'Cause it looks like I just did." Lyric decided to inform her agains her better judgment to keep her mouth shut.

The girl fumed and walked off dragging the boy, whos name was apparently Ethan, with her.

Lyric sighed. She had really been hoping that the girl would of thrown the first punch...

Looking around once more for her class, Lyric realized that she had been standing in front of it during the confrontation. She opened the door and walked up to the teacher, realizing that all eyes were on her.

The teacher took her schedule and, after making sure she was in the class, told her where she could sit. Lyric didn't bother to imform her teacher about her crap contacts and took the seat the teacher had given her in the back of the class.

The period took forever, with Lyric being unable to see anything that the teacher had written on the board, including what her name was, but finally it was over. Lyric sighed in relief before realizing that she still had two more classes to go to.

The girl sitting next to her heard her sigh and looked over at her.

"Are you new here?" the girl asked quietly

"huh? Oh, yeah. Just moved in about a week ago." Lyric replied just as quietly

"Thats cool. It must suck going to a school where you don't know names Cheryl."

Lyric smiled at her and stuck out her hand.

"My names Lyric."

"You the words to a song?" Cheryl asked confused

"Yeah. my parents where both muscisians and got the bright idea to name me after something music related." Lyric told her with a sigh.

"You don't like your name?" Cheryl asked

"It's alright..." Lyric replied

"Well, I think it's an awesome name. At least your name is like...Sheniquah or something." Cheryl told her with a smile.

Lyric laughed

"Yeah, I guess your right. What class do you have next?" Lyric asked reaching for Cheryls schedule.

They exchanged schedules and realzed that they had all but one clas together.

"Thats awesome! I actually know someone!" Lyric said laughing.

"I know how ya feel. I think your my first friend at this school." Cheryl told her

"But aren't you a junior? Surely you've got other friends?" Lyric asked her confused.

"Yeah, I'm a junior...but I've been the outcast so I don't have any friends." Cheryl said looking down at her desk.

"Well, know you do." Lyric told her with a smile.

Cheryl smiled back at her before they both got up and left the room to go to their next class.


The day passed quickly and soon Lyric was walking back out to her car listening to her ipod again. She had gotten it taken away twice already for listening to it during class, but knew that they couldn't do anything about it know that school was finally over.

Once Lyric reached her car, she was reluctant to get in and go home, but finally decided that she didn't want to stay at the school any longer and put off the inevitable.

She pulled into her driveway and could already hear the screaming and crying. she wuickly got out of the car and hurried to the front door. Her younger brother and sister were sitting on the front porch, which was never a good sign.

Lyric told them that she would be right back, but they shook their heads and warned her not to go in. She gently shook off their hands and told them that it would be alright.

She opened the door and walked straight into the middle of the battle feild. Her mother sat on the couch crying as her stepdad yelled and threw things. Lyric walked over to her mom, unnoticed by her stepfather. she quietly told her mom to go upstairs to bed, where she knew her stepdad wouldn't bug her.

She managed to get her brother and sister back in the house, ignoring her stepdad's yelling. Once she had gotten them up the step and into their rooms, she turned to face her stepfather.

"What the hell do you think your doing? Telling your mom to go up stairs when i'm talking to her?" her stepfather immediately started on a different tyrad once he knew that he had her full attention.

"I was getting her someplace where she would be safe. At least when she's up there you're smart enough not to harass her." Lyric told him straing him right in the eye.

"Smart enough? Did you just say smart enough? How dare you insult me in such a way! You've got no right to speak to me that way you little bitch!" He yelled rasing his hand.

"Just like you've got no right to speak to me that way. Or to lay a hand on me." Lyric growled at her obviously drunk stepfather.

He didn't seem to hear what she had said ad brought his fist down on her jaw. Lyric stumbled backwards and raised her hand to her face. She couldn't believe that he had just hit her...and she realized that he didn't plan to stop there.

He continued to punch and kick her, but Lyric was too stunned to fight back. Finally, her stepfather ran outta steam and stumbled out the front door, leaving Lyric lying at the foot of the stairs.

She realized just how right her predictation that the day would be a wreck had been
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sorry, really long...