Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Use Somebody

The next day was the one Lyric had been dreading...the day they would finally put their plan into action. She hadn't slept at all the night before, kept awake by the thought of what Ethan could've ment when he'd sent the text messages. Her mom had found her sitting at her window when she came to wake her up.

When she walked into the hallway that lead to her locker, Lyric noticed something was different. She couldn't quiet put her finger on it, but something wasn't that same as it had been the day before. Ignoring the feeling, she made it to her locker without any mishaps. Opening her locker, she was surprised when something fell out of it. It was a note.

'Hope you're ready for today. It's gonna be an interesting lunch.' It wasn't signed and she didn't recognize the hand writing, but she had a faint idea of who it might be from. She shoved it into her back pocket and slammed her locker shut. When she turned around, she saw Ty walking past her.

"Hey, Ty! Wait up!" She called after him.

He paused and looked at her, but then continued on his way. She sighed and knew that she had to find some way to apologize for what she had said yesterday.

"Ty! Please wait!" Lyric called.

He finally stopped and she was able to catch up to him.

"What do you want? Didn't you say enough yesterday?" He asked coldly.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to apologize, that was really uncalled for." She explained quietly.

"Yeah, it really was uncalled for. But if you know that, then why did you say it in the first place?" He asked.

"Because...I had been having a really bad day, and I took it out on you. Also, I was embaressed that you had heard me one ever has. I'm kinda protective with my music." She sighed.

He didn't say anything, just stared at her. She looked at her feet, not sure what to do. She wasn't really good with this whole apologizing thing.

"It's fine..."He said sighing as he turned and walked away from her.

Lyric didn't try to stop him as he walked around the corner. She guessed that that was the best she would get out of him for now. She'd just have to try harder later. She turned around and started to walk towards her class, but she was stopped by a voice she knew all to well.

"Can't decide which boy toy you want? Have they both finally figured you out?" Brooklyn asked her, walking out from around the corner.

"You're one to talk about using people."Lyric retorted.

"Yeah, well, at least I can pull it off. You's just some stupid whore of a new girl who thinks she can get away with anything and anyone. You need to get it through your head that I rule this school. And your just something that seems to keep getting in my way. You want to know what I do to things that get in my way?" Brooklyn sneered.

"What? You get your little jock buddies to back you up? You'd never get into a fight on your own. Let me guess...they're hiding just around the corner aren't they? Just waiting for you to say the word. You know they only help you because you give it up for them afterwards. Everyone knows it." Lyric told her.

"Oh yeah? You think you know everything about me? What if I were to tell you that I'm out here on my own? That I don't have anyone to back me up?" Brooklyn asked her.

"I'd tell you that you were the worst lier in the history of this planet. Or one of the stupidest people I've ever met." Lyric told her quietly narrowing her eyes.

Brooklyn didn't say anything. She glared at Lyric with eyes full of hatred. Lyric stared back, her eyes gloating, knowing the Brooklyn wouldn't ever take her on without somekind of back up. Of course, she didn't expect Brookly to hit so hard with words.

"You're nothing but a whore. A useless bitch that no one wants. Spreading lies to make yourself the center of attention." Brooklyn sneered.

Lyric flinched inwardly at the words, hearing them in the voice of her stepfather. "What are you talking about?" Lyric asked.

"You haven't heard? It's all in the newpapers. Local girl almost beat to death by stepfather. Please, wheres the truth in that? You're just a lieing little slut, trying to grab the spolight off the people who rightfully deserve it." Brooklyn laughed in her face.

"People who rightfully deserve it? Who? People like you? People who go around cheating on their boyfriends with every boy in sight? People who fake their problems to get sympathy from others, to make people feel sorry for them? Those people don't deserve to even be alive. They're worse than the dirt underneath everyone else's feet." Lyric hissed, her voice cold.

Brooklyn looked shocked. She had expected Lyric to hit back so hard.

"You wouldn't even know what it was like to actually have something bad happen to you. You've always gotten everything you've ever wanted. You got a boob job from daddy so you could turn into the slut you mother was in highschool. Always have to please mommy and daddy don't you? You can't get the grades you need, instead of dissapointing them you sleep with the teachers, don't you? When daddy doesn't pay attention to you, you do something attention grabbing. Shame the family name. Something that will get you in trouble, but you can easliy turn on them." Lyric was taking steps until she was right up in Brooklyns face. "Isn't that right?"

Brooklyn glared at Lyric, her face livid. But instead of fighting back, she turned on her heel and walked briskly towards her classroom. They were both late.