Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Falling In...

After second period was over with, Lyric met up with the others outside to finalize eveything. After the little confrontation in the hall, she was more for it than she had been. She was going to hurt Brooklyn, and she didn't care how bad. She hadn't told anyone what had happened, so they were all surprised at the enthusiam Lyric was showing, but they didn't question it.

They went off to their next two classes before meeting up and walking over to the table where everything would fall through. They sat and talked for a while, just trying to kill time. Finally Cheryl got the courage to ask Lyric what had made her so enthusiatic about lunch.

"Nothing." Lyric lied.

"You're a horrible liar. Was it before or after first period?" Damian asked.

"Before. I ran into Brooklyn in the halls." Lyric sighed.

"Really? What happened?"Cheryl asked leaning forward.

"Hey you guys! Whats up?" Ty interrupted them before Lyric had a chance to explain.

They all greeted him and Lyric smiled up at him, hoping that he would return the smile. When he did, her smile grew. Caught up now in the conversation, no one noticed Ethan frown at Ty.

"So, you were just about to tell us what happened between you and Brooklyn..." Cheryl started.

"Right. Well,she stopped me when I was headed to my class and accused me of using Ethan and Ty. Of leadin them on. Then she accused me of lying about my stepfather." Her voice got softer. " I told her off. Told her that she probably slept with her teachers and that her mother was a slut. She didn't take it too well."

The others stared at her in wonder. They finally understood why Lyric was so excited now at any prospect of hurting Brooklyn. They had never expected Brooklyn to stoop as low as she had, but they also never expected Lyric to hit just as low. They were all slightly proud, yet dissapointed in her.

Finally, Brooklyn walked out the front door and it was time to put their plan into action. Cheryl and Damian left, but Ty actually went up and started to talking to Brooklyn. This was definantly not part of their plan. Lyric didn't know what Ty was up to...but he didn't know about the trick they were about to pull on the whole popular group. They started off with a simple conversation as Brooklyn sat down at a table behind them.

"So, I heard about what happened in the halls today...are you alright?" Ethan asked innocently.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't believe that she would actually stoop that low." Lyric stated.

"Well, i'm glad that I broke up with her. You were right when you told her she was a whore. Her mother too. I swear she tried to sleep with me almost as much as Brooklyn did!" He exclaimed.

Lyric laughed and they talked for a little while longer, knowing fully that Brooklyn could hear them and was definantly listening. Finally, Ehtan started the conversation they had planned.

"You know, when you were in the hospital, there was something I said to you that I'm not sure you heard me." He started kinda shyly.

"What?" Lyric asked slightly shocked. This wasn't part of the conversation they had gone over.

"You had gone to sleep. It was after you had explained everything to your mom. I had come back into the room and sat on the bed with you." He blushed slightly with the confession. "I had told you that...I lied when I said I didn't like you. That Brooklyn was right, I really did like you. I had since the day I met you in the hallway."

Lyric stared at him unable to say anything. He looked away from her, and took a deep breath before turning back.

"In all seriousness, Lyric, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked abandoning everything they had planned.

Lyric now realized what he had ment when he said that he wasn't going to follow the script...but she wasn't sure what she should do. Before she had a chance to reply, something happening over at Brooklyn's table caught their attention. Lyric and Ethan looked over and saw Brooklyn yelling and pushing Ty off the bench he was sitting on. Lyric hadn't heard what he had said, put she knew from the smirk that it wasn't nice.

"I asked her something involving her mom." He whispered grinning as he sauntered past.

Lyric grinned and turned towards Ethan, and making sure that she had Brooklyn's attention, answered him.

"Yes Ethan, in all seriousness, I'll be your girlfriend." She said laughing at the look on his face when she mocked him. They grinned at each other, not noticing the glares from Brooklyn at her table before the bell rang ending lunch.
♠ ♠ ♠
whoo-hoo!! Finally =]

Chapter kinda crappy, but what can I say? I finally got it out didn't I? lol enjoy