Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It


The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Lyric smiled and walked out to her locker where she knew her friends would be waiting. Neither Damian or Cheryl had properly seen or heard what had happened, so they didn't know that Ethan and Lyric had doen more than just they trick they had planned.

Lyric saw Cheryl waiting for her at the end of the hallway.

"So, how'd it go?" Cheryl asked casually after Lyric had caught up to her.

"Amazing." Lyric grinned.

"Really? It went that well? Wow... to say that I think Ty helped a bit with that though."Cheryl said laughing.

"I don't think Ty had anything to do with it." Lyric replied still grinning.

"Am I missing something?" Cheryl asked, stopping to look at Lyric.

"maaybe..."Lyric kept walking.

"What did you two do?" Cheryl asked when they met up with Damian, Ethan and Ty.

"Nothing. "Lyric lied smoothly as she grinned at Ethan and hugged everyone else.

"What are you two talking about?" Damain asked slinging his arm over Cheryl's shoulders.

"Those two did something at lunch, but she wont tell me what!" Cheryl exclaimed pouting.

"You make it sound so dirty Cheryl." Ty said laughing.

Cheryl blushed as they all made their way out to the parking lot. Lyric grinned as Ethan slipped his hand into hers. They were behind evryone else, so no one noticed. Ty looked back at them just before they reached his car, and he grinned at them. He had heard what happened because he hadn't walked off as far as they thought he had.

They left him at his car and headed over to where Damain and Ethan were parked. They lived near echother, so they tended to drive to school together, sometimes picking up Lyric on the way. Lyric leaned up against the car as Damian and Cheryl sat on the hood.

"So, Cheryl, what do you think happend at lunch?" Ethan asked sending her a sly wink.

"I'm not sure, but now I'm not sure I really want to know." She shuddered.

"Oh, but i'm sure you'd love to hear it." Lyric exclaimed laughing at the horrified expression on Cheryl's face.

Suddenly, Ethan threw his arm around Lyric's shoudler and pointedly turned his back on the parking lot. Lyric looked up at him before looking behind him. Brooklyn was walking towards her care, sending glares in the direction of Lyric's group. Lyric smirked at her and turned back towards Ethan, Cheryl and Damian.

"Why would I love to hear it?"Cheryl was asking susicously.

"Because me and Lyric are -"Ethan was cut off by Lyric.

"Brooklyn pushed Ty off a bench onto his butt." Lyric told them smiling.

Cheryl and Damian burst out laughing, while Ethan sent Lyric a confused and hurt look. They all finally decided that it was about time to get home and climbed into the car. They dropped off Cheryl, then Damain, before heading over to Ethan's house. Lyric got out of the car and headed towards her house, but Ethan gaught her by the arm.

"What was that all about? Why don't you want them to know?" he asked, furrowing his brow.

"I'm...I'm not sure. I just don't want to tell them just yet." lyric looked down at her feet.

"You don't regret this do you?" Ethan asked, pulling her face up to look at him.

"Of course not!"Lyric exclaimed "I just...I dont know."

"If you don't regret it, then what's wrong?" Ethan pleaded with her to tell him.

"I don't know whether or not I trust Ty...and I know they both talk to him a lot."Lyric explained quietly.

"You don't trust Ty? Why not?" Ethan aksed.

"I guess I still don't trust him, not after the way I met him. He was sneaking around the music room and secretly listening to me practice. To me, that's just a little untrustworthy." lyric explained as she tried to walk over to her front door.

"Come over to my house?" Ethan aksed suddenly.

Lyric stopped and looked at him to see if he was serious. "I guess..."She answered hesitantly seeing that he was.

They headed over to Ethan's house, and he pulled out his key to open the door. Lyric looked out onto the driveway to see if anyone else was home, but Ethan's was the only car there. She knew that she trusted Ethan, but she was nervous about being in his house. What would his parents think if they walked in, even if lyric and Ethan weren't doing anything?

She sighed quietly, but Ethan still heard her. He stopped trying to open the door and turned to look at her.

"You don't have to come in if you don't want to." he told her softly.

"I do want to...I guess I'm just worrying about your parents." Lyric confessed.

"Don't worry about them. They'll love you, when they finally get to meet you." Ethan smiled at her and finally got the door open.

"Do you mind if I drop my stuff at my house first though? After everything, I still worry about my mom and want to let her know I'm at least nearby." Lyric asked him.

"Yeah, that's fine. just come in when you get back, I'll leave the door open." Ethan told her smiling.

Lyric thanked him and walked over to her house, opening the door and finding her mom sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey, um, I was just gonna tell you that I would be over at Ethan's house, hanging out." lyric said hesitantly.

"Oh, ok. Thank you for letting me know where you're going to be." her mom turned to smile at her before turning back to the tv.

lyric dropped her stuff off in her room and headed back over to Ethan's house. He had left the door unlocked like he said he would, so she just walked in. She heard a shower going upstairs and decided to try and fined Ethan's room. She wasn't sure if he had any siblings, so she didn't know if they were the only one's home or not.

After opening most of the doors that were along the upstairs hallway, she finally came to what she knew was Ethan's room. The walls were a dark midnight blue, and there were band posters everywhere. There was also an electirc bass sitting against the far wall, on the other side of the bed. lyric walked in ad over to the bass. She picked it up carefully and looked around for an amp.

When she didn't find one, she put the bass back where she had found it and sat down on the bed, looking around the room once again. Suddenly she heard the door open. She turned towards it and saw Ethan standing there in only a towel.

"Well...hello." He said grinning.

"Ummm...I'm sorry...I was just..."Lyric stumbbled over her words.

"No worries. Just let me grab some clothes and go chance, I'll be back in a minute."Ethan told her laughing.

Lyric let out a sigh and sat back down as he shut the door. She wasn't going to deny that she had liked the sight...but that was moving a little too fast for her.
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yesh! finally, a long one =]

enjoy. sorry if there are mistakes, i haven't proofread yet lol