Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It


Ethan took a really long time getting dressed, so Lyric picked up his bass and starting fidling around with it. She had decided that the song she had been working on needed a bass part...hell, it needed a lot of parts, but she figured she'd go one step at a time. She didn't hear the door open, so she didn't stop playing until Ethan coughed quietly.

She jumped, almost dropping the bass, and quickly set it back against the wall. She blushed lightly, but Ethan only laughed at her.

"It's alright. Play it all you want. I don't get much use out of it, now that my band broke up." He told her sitting on his computer chair.

"You were in a band?" Lyric asked, picking the guitar up again.

"Yeah, but like I said, we broke up."Ethan said turning in circles.

"Why? If you don't mind me asking that is." Lyric was curious.

"Our lead singer was sleeping with Brooklyn." Ethan told her quietly.

"Chase?"Lyric exclaimed.

"No! God no. Chase wasn't the only one she cheated on me with..."Ethan trailed off, lost in his thoughts.

"And you stayed with her? Wow...I knew she was a whore, but you..."Lyric never finished the sentence.

"I know I was stupid. I realize that now."Ethan said looking at her.

Lyric blushed again and looked down at the bass before starting on the song again. Ethan sat and listened to her for a little bit before asking her what the part was for.

"It's for a song I've been working on forever. You're the first to hear it...besides Ty that is. I already got the lead guitar part. I'm just trying to work on a bass part. Then I'm gonna try to get everything else to." Lyric explained.

"Do you have anyone to play the part?" Ethan asked, a new glint in his eye.

"No. I haven't been able to find anyone that can learn without sheet music." Lyric told him.

"Hold on."Ethan said rushing out of the room.

Lyric stared after him before shrugging and going back to the song. Suddenly Ethan burst into the room with an acoustic guitar.

"Play me the part. Your part." Ethan told her switching out the guitar.

Lyirc stared at him in disbelief before sighing and playing what she had already had. Ethan listened and slowly began the bass part Lyric had been playing earlier. Lyric smiled up at him and he smiled back.

"Do you have any lyrics for it yet?" He asked when they had stopped playing.

"No, not yet. I don't have any ideas on what the song could be about. I know, that if I ever play in front of a group I won't be using an acoustic, but an electric, and that'll change the tone of the song, at least a little."Lyric explained tuning the guitar.

Ethan nodded and sat thinking for a few moments. Suddenly he pulled out his phone and grinned at Lyric. He sent a few quick text messages before putting his phone on the desk and asking if they could play the song again. Lyric started her part and Ethan had just started his when his phone rang startling her.

He answered it and smiled at the voice on the end. He talked quickly and then hung up.

"Can you sing?" He asked.

"That depends on who you ask..."Lyric told him warily.

"Well, I guess we'll find out. I found us a rythm guitarist and drummer." He told her grinning.

"Us? You make it sound like we're starting a band..."Lyric raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, aren't we?" He asked laughing and pulling her towards his bedroom door and down the stairs.

Lyric didn't argue and followed him as best she could without falling. She was surprised at his excitment and his idea. She hadn't even thought of it, even when he had mention that he had been in a band. The more she thought about it, the more her own smile grew. She pulled her hand away from Ethan's and followed him on her own.

He ran straight past his car and to a house across the street. Lyric followed him a bit slower now, hesitant to meet the people Ethan used to be in a band with. She figured that they must have been good, but these were people she was unfamiliar with, people Ethan had known for a long time.

Ethan turned and looked at her, but when he saw her face, his smile fell away.

"What's wrong? You don't like the idea?" Ethan asked.

"What? Oh! of course I do...I'm just hesitant to meet them. You've known them for a long time I suppose, if you were in a band with them. I'm not sure I'll be able to play the song for them. You know I don't like playing for people." Lyric told him quietly once she had caught up.

"Don't worry. They'll love you. It's an amazing song, and they'll be able to help with writing the other parts. They can write sheet music."He teased.

Lyric laughed and her hesitation faded away slowly. Suddenly the front door opened and two guys flew out tackling Ethan. Lyric jumped back and almost fell down the stairs. She grabbed the railing last minute and laughed at Ethan, even though her heart was racing. He glared at her and stuck his tongue out before trying to shove the guys off of him.

The two guys never gave him the chance. They jumped up and started greeting Lyric as fast as they could. Lyric stared at them, not really understanding anything they were saying before raising an eyebrow at Ethan. He walked up behind them and suddenly put his hands over their mouths.

"Lyric, I want you to meet Tom." The guy on the left nodded at her. "And this is Kevin." The right one nodded.

"Nice to meet you. Who plays what?" She laughed.

Ethan took his hand off their mouths catiously. Tom stated drums while Kevin declared guitar. Lyric looked closely at the two boys. Tom had bright orange hair that layed flat and out his eyes. His eyes were a brilliant green and his nose was dusted with freckles. He was taller than Ethan. Kevin was shorter than both Ethan and Tom, but taller than Lyric. He had light brown almost blond hair that he kept in his face, his eyes a pale blue.

She grinned at Ethan. He grinned back and then asked the guys if they wanted to hear why he had called tham in the first place. They nodded furiously and motioned for Ethan and Lyric to follow them into the house. They headed for the basement and soon Lyric found herself in a small studio like room.

"Wow..."She breathed.

"Cool isn't it?" Tom asked grinning.

"Yeah...definantely."Lyric agreed.

"What do you play?" Kevin asked.

"Guitar." She said turning towards him.

He was standing in front of a full band set. Everything was there, guitars, drums, even mics.

"Lead?" He asked looking between the two guitars in front of him.

"Yeah. Do you have an acoustic?" She asked looking around.

"Over here." Ethan called.

He was standing by a wall holding an acoustic and bass. Lyric walked over to him and smiled her thanks. She sat in a chair and checked to make sure the instrument was tuned. Satisfied that it was, she looked back up at Ethan.

"Ok, Lyric wrote this, but she doesn't have any parts other than lead and bass. I thought that maybe you guys could help her out. We also have to find out whether she can sing or not."Ethan explained grinning.

"What! That wasn't part of what you told me!" Lyric exlclaimed.

"I know, but would I have gotten you over here otherwise?" He asked.

"Porbably! You dragged me over half way here anyways!" Lyric scoffed.

Tom and Kevin laughed and asked if they could just hear the song. Sending one last glare in Ethan's direction Lyric started her part. Ethan joined in and soon Lyric's anger at him faded away. When they finished, Tom rushed over to his drums and started working, while Kevin did the same with his guitar.

Lyric laughed at they're hyper-activity and felt arms slip around her waist. She looked over her shoulder at Ethan. He pouted at her and asked if she was still mad at him. She laughed and told him that she was never mad at him. He smiled and leaned in, kissing her lightly on the lips. When he pulled back Lyric stared at him in shock.
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hopefully I'll have lyrics soon. Any ideas for what I could call their band?