Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

The escapist

Lyric was listening to the parts Kevin and Tom had come up with, when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She took it out and saw that she had a new text message.

-where are you?-
It was from Cheryl and Lyric suddenly remebered that they were supposed to hang out later.

She texted back, telling her that she was at band practice. She was going to put her phone back in her pocket when it vibrated again. She was always amazed at how fast Cheryl could text.

-Band practice?!-
Lyric laughed at the confused look she pictured Cheryl wearing and told her about Ethan's idea to start a band...or rather, continue a broken band. This time she didn't respond when her phone vibrated because the guys had finished playing. She smiled at them as they started talking animatedly with Ethan about what they would call the band, what kind of music they would play, etc.

Lyric watched them and wondered if she would ever be able to get to the level of comfortablitity they were all at with each other. Cheryl and Damian knew that she had secrets, as did Ethan, and they seemed to be ok with it. They didn't bother pushing her because they knew that they had secrets they didn't want to revela themselves.

Lyric sighed and Ethan looked over at her concerened.

"You all right?" He asked, walking over.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." Lyric told him with a smile.

Ethan looked at her closely and sat down beside her. He wrapped his arms around her and she leaned against him. He didn't ask any more questions, knowing that Lyric would tell him when she wanted to.

"Ya know...that song really needs lyrics..."Tom commented.

"Yeah I know....I'm working on it. I just can't seem to think of anything that feels right." Lyric mused.

"Why don't we help you? Lets play the song all together and maybe that'll help you some up with something." Kevin suggested.

Lyric thought about it for a minute and then agreed. She pulled away from Ethan and he followed her over to the guitars they had been using earlier.

"Why don't you try it on one of the electric?" Tom asked.

"Good idea." Lyric pulled a dark blue electric off the wall. After she made sure it was tuned (an obssesion of hers) she went and stood by Ethan.

She started off the song and everyone elses joined in, staggering the entrances. The effect surprised and thrilled Lyric. She was really glad that Ethan had brought her over.The entire time they played, she was trying to search her mind for something that sounded right. Finally, she simple relaxed and let the music flow through her. At first, she just heard the music, but then slowly words started to form at the back of her mind.

Ethan watched her as she played, wondering what she was thinking. The look on her face as soon as she had picked up the guitar had been one of wonder and excitment. He didn't know what kind of role music had played in her past, but he was sure that it had been good. He loved watching her play because she lost the troubled look that lurked in the back of her eyes.

She turned and caught him watching, but all she did was smile. She turned so that she was fully facing him and walked so that she was standing directly in front of him. Then, still playing, she leaned over her guitar and kissed him. He faltered slightly in his part, but he soon got back into the rythm and grinned back at her. She laughed and turned towards the others as the song ended.

"I think I may have gotten an idea for lyrics."
♠ ♠ ♠

next chapter, lyrics debuted! lol