Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

I'm not gonna miss you when your gone...

Lyric didn't go to school for a couple of days, so she didn't get the chance to see much of Ethan. Her mother was asking around town to see what had happened to Lyric's ex-boyfriend. When she was unable to find anything, she made Lyric promise that if she heard anything from him, that she would tell someone about him. The boy was getting to the point were it could be consisdered stalking, and Ms. bouet wasn't going to stand for it.

When Lyric finally did go back to school, she was glad to see that she hadn't missed much. Brooklyn hadn't left Ethan alone the entire time Lyric was away, but Cheryl and Damian had managed to keep anything form happening. Her teachers gave her a break from the current work so that she was able to catch up with the stuff she had missed, and she noticed that Tom and Kevin were now sitting with them at lunch.

She had just finished her third period class and was walking to her fourth when she was stopped in the halls. She was wuickly surrounded and herded out into and empty hallway. She looked around, but didn't recognize any of the people surrounding her. Suddenly, Chase and Brooklyn walked out of the back of the crowd.

"I want my boyfriend back."Brooklyn stated.

"What boyfriend? I thought he was standing next to you?" Lyric replied looking at Chase. "Or maybe it was the boy behind you...or the one behind him...or the one walkig down the hall...or maybe it was all of them?"

Brooklyn slapped her. "Watch your mouth you stupid bitch. You don't know what your talking about. And I mean Ethan. My boyfriend, the one that you stole."

"I didn't steal anyone from you. He left you willingly enough. I guess he just got tired of you cheating on him all of the time." Lyric looked Brooklyn in the eye.

Brooklyn motioned to someone standing behind Lyric and she was grabbed from behind. She struggled aganst whoever was holding her, but suddenly the breath was knocked out of her.

"What? You can't fight your own battles? Still have to have the football team do it for you? Should have guessed..." Lyric gasped once she had gotten her breath back.

When she was let go, she managed to rush forward to get a better hit. She caught Brooklyn squarely on the jaw. Chase caught her as she fell backwards and Lyrics shook her hand out. The other players staretd to move forward, but sudden;y they stopped and moved to the side. Ethan walked through them.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked looking at Brooklyn.

Chase and Brooklyn glared up at him before replying. "I'm trying to get my boyrfriend back form some stupid whore."

"Then why are you beating on Lyric. You should go find whichever cheerleader Chase is sleeping with this week." Ehtan told her turning to walk away.

"I meant you. You know you never wanted to break up with me, that that stupid little whore tricked you into leaving me. Come on, I doubt you really care about her. Think about what we had Ethan. You would willingly give that up?" Brooklyn asked, still looking up at him from the floor.

"Considering the majority of it was you cheating on me? Yes, I would willingly give that up...and a million times over." He Ethan wrapped and arm around Lyric and started to walk away.

Chase stood up and pulled Ehan back around to face him. Ethan wasn't prepared and caught the punch on the underside of his jaw. He stumble a little before looking up and smirking at Chase. He stood and waited for Chase to come at him again. When he did, he stepped out of the way, causing Chase to stumble. Ethan grabbed his shoulders and brought his knee up into Chase's face. He crumpled to the ground, out cold.

Ethan walked back over to Lyric and they pushed past the crowd to head back to their class.


The day finally ended with no more problems. Neither Ethan or Lyric were called to the office to get in trouble for the fights, but the news of them were around the school before the end of the day. People moved out of their way when they walked past, which made it easy for them to get to their car and make their way to Tom's house for band practice.

Once they showed up, they were greeted with Tom and Kevin jumping on them, trying to get the details of the fight. They went down to the basement, and after a quick debriefing, started to pracice the song Lyric had sang for them the last time thay had gotten together. During one of the many breaks that Kevin insisted they needed, Ethan walked up behind Lyric and hugged her.

"I missed seeing you at school...and I cant believe I missed seeing you fight." He pouted.

"I missed you too. And bleive me, it was nothing spectacular. I just punched her hard enough to knock her down." Lyric laughed turning around to face him.

Ethan kissed her. They broke apart when they heard Tom clear his throat.

"You two done? We've kinda got a band practice to run here."

Lyric stuck her tongue out at him and grabbed the guitar she had been using. Ethan smacked him over the head and mumbled something about ruinig a beautiful moment. Lyric laughed at him adn strummed a few chords to get them started. Once they had run through the song a couple of times, Lyric decided that it might be time to introduce something new.

She pulled Ethan to the side and asked him if it would be alright. When he agreed, without warning she launched into a song they others didn't know. She didn't have lyrics for it yet, but that's how they other one had started and they all seemed to love it. When the song ended, the other applauded and asked her when she had come up with that one.

"It was one of the few things that kept me busy when I wasn't in school." She explained as she sat down on one of the couches.

"Well, I like it, we should write to it...what were you thinking the song would be about?" Kevin asked trying to figure out one of the chords she had played.

"I don't know just sorta popped into my head when I was lying in bed the other day." Lyric shrugged.

"Well isn't that an interesting place for a song idea..." Tom never got the chance to finish his sentence before Ethan hit him in the back of the head.

"Quite picturing what I think your picturing." Ethan told him.

Lyric laughed and started packing up her stuff. Ethan came over and grabbed it once she was down and started waking out the door with out saying anything. She shook her head and followed him out. They were almost to her house when she someone standing on the front steps.

"Ethan, who is that?" She asked. slowing her pace.

"I'm not sure...wait here." He handed her her bag and walked over to her porch.

From her spot on his lawn, she could see him talking to whoever it was. She saw him nod and then heard him call her name. She walked over slowly, but once she got into the light she gasped and dropped her stuff.

♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so so so so so so so so so so so sorry to all my readers. I haven't had acces to the computer because my brother was caught looking at...innapropaite things online. this chapter kinda sucks, but I'm gonna try to get on as much as possible so that I can get caught up. I hope I haven't dissapointed you guys too much =[