Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Family Reunions

Lyric ran at her brother and he caught her as she jumped at him. He spun her around a couple times while Ethan stood to the side and watched. When Kyle finally set Lyric down, she introduced them to eachother.

"Kyle, this is my boyfriend Ethan. Ethan, this is my older brother Kyle."

The two boys stared at eachother fro a moment and then shook hands. As soon as they broke apart, Lyric jumped inbetween then and started asking Kyle a million questions. He laughed and told her to shut up before she ran out of air. Lyric took a deep breath and continued at ask. rolling his eyes, Kyle grabbed her stuff off of the floor and motioned for bothe her and Ethan to follow him inside.

On the way up the front steps, Ethan pulled Lyric back to ask her something.

"Whats his problem with me?" He asked when he finally had her attention.

"I'm his favorite...he's kind of just a little protective..."Lyric trailed off looking at her feet.

Ethan laughed and saId that he was glad that that was all it was. He brought Lyrics head up so that she was looking him in the eyes and kissed her. Next thing either of them knew, Kyle was pulling Ethan back and pushing him backwards off the stairs.

"Ok...maybe a lot protective..."Lyric muttered. "Kyle! Don't hurt him, he didn't do anything!"

She followed them down the stairs and out into the street. She grabbed Kyle's arm, but he lashed out and flung her off. She cried out when she hit the sidewalk and that got his attention. He hadn't been around for the incident with ther stepfather, so he didn't know what he was doing when he walked over to her and crounched in front of her.

He also didn't know what he was doing when she punched him in the face. He fell backwards so that he was sitting down and looked at Lyric, who was on her knees and glaring at him. He opened his mouth to say something but she interrupted him.

"I don't need you protecting me anymore! What makes you think you can just barge in here and take up the role as father after everything that's happened? You left us when mom married that scumbag...where were you to protect me then huh?" She continued to scream at him, not bothering to explain any of it unti Ethan came over to her and hugged her to him.

He managed to calm her and down and by that point, Kyle was less dazed then he was before and actually taking note of what Lyric had been saying to him.

"What did the man do to you?" He asked.

"Why do you care? You weren't around to stop it, and it's over now. Just leave it alone." Ethan told him.

Kyel glared at him before getting up and walking back to the house. Lyric and Ethan stayed out on the saidewalk for a while before heading back indoors. Once they got inside, Lyric asked her mom where Kyle had gone. She followed her mother's instructions and walked down out to the beach that was behind their house.

She walked for a few feet before spotting him stting on a rock farther back from the water then she usually sat. She quietly walked up and sat down beside him. When he didn't show a reaction, she leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry about earlier...I shouldn't have said all of that. I know you didn't understand most of it, and I will explain it someday, but tonight I just can't." Lyric told him quietly, keeping her eyes on the waves.

"It's had every right to yell. i didn't mean to throw you off like that. It's just...I have to remember that your grown up and not a little helpless sister anymore. And Ethan's a good guy, I can tell. So, he's ok by me." Kyle put his arm around her.

Lyric reached out and shoved Kyle off of the rock. She laughed when she saw the surprised look on his face.

"I'm so glad to have your permission to date him." Lyric grinned down at him and rolled her eys.

Kyle didn't respond. He just stood up, wiped himself off and looked at her. Lyrics eyes widened and she slowly got off the rock before running back towards the house quickly. Kyle chased her and almost caught her, but she managed to run into the house and up the stairs into her room before he did. She locked her door and quickly climbed out hte window.

She knew that Kyle would pick the lock, but he would never think to look up on the roof after not finding her in her room. She managed to close the window behind her and climbed up onto the widows walk. She could hear Kyle, along with Ethan who had joined the chase, searching her room. She heard one of them leave and knew that Ethan had remembered the widow's walk.

When he finally made it up, Lyrics was hiding in wait fo him on the other side of the roof. When he came around with his back turned towards her, she jumped out and grabbed him from behind. He jumped up and turned around to grab her arms and pin them to her side. When he realized that it was her, he let her go and walked over to the ledge, trying to catch the breath that she had scared out of him.

She walked over and hugged him from behind, knowing that he wouldn't freak out this time. They didn't say anything, just kinda stood up there and looked at the stars. They decided to go back inside when Lyric started to fall asleep against Ethan. He helped her down into her room, but instead of following him out and back down into the living room, Lyric collapsed into her bed.


When she woke up the next morning, she could smell bacon being cooked and hear conversation coming from the kitchen. She got out of bed and quietly padded down the stairs. When she peeked around the corner into the kitchen, she saw her mom and Kyle standing at the stove talking while Keiryn and Brianne sitting at the island yawning. She smiled and walked in and over to the refrigorator. She sat down at the island and poured five glasses of orange juice before finally saying good morning to everyone.

When breakfast was over, Lyric realized that it was saturday and she had no plans for the day. She asked Kyle what he was doing and if he wanted to hang out, maybe catch up on what they had missed since he left. He agreed and Lyric when up to her room to go chance. When she came back down, Kyle was waiting by the door and when he saw her, he smiled and opened the door.

"So where are you taking me?" He asked once they had started walking down the sidewalk.

"Actually...I'm not sure. I just figured we could walk, try not get lost, and catch up." Lyric confessed.

"Sounds like a plan." Kyle laughed. "So, who starts first?"

" I guess. I kind of owe you the explanation after last night." Lyric sighed.

"I told you it was alright. If you don't want to explain, then don't. it's ok by me...partially because i'm scared I'll kill the fucker that hurt you." Kyle admitted.

"Well, too bad. I'm going first." Lyric stuck her tongue out at him before taking a deep breath.

"After you left..."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry about spelling errors, I kind don't have time spell check right now. but next time I'll go through everything and get that fixed, I swear! Also sorry it's bee a mom's stilll kinda stingy with the computer time...