Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Amusement Parks

Lyric woke up the next morning in her own bed with Ethan no where in sight. As first she panicked, but when she heard voices downstairs, she realized that that must be where he went. Groaning and wincing with pain, Lyric managed to get out of bed and about half-way down the stairs before running into Kyle.

"What are you doing up?" He asked.

"Ummm...getting breakfast?" Lyric asked.

"Ethan's bringing it up to you. That's boy's a good catch you know, I'd try to keep him." Kyle advised.

"What are you trying to say? You thinkI like getting dumped?" Lyric asked.

"No, no, that's not what I meant. Just nevermind, get back in bed. You'll ruin the boy's plans." Kyle helped her back up the stairs and into bed.

She had just setting in when Ethan walked in the door carefully holding a tray of food. He had a concentrated look on his face, almost as if he was trying not to drop anything. He looked up briefly and grinned when he heard Lyric giggle before quickly turning his attention back to the tray.

He made it safely to the bed and put the tray on the bedside table before leaning over and kissing Lyric.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Not really...I'm more sore than I was yesterday." Lyric told him.

Ethan laughed and sat on the bed next to her before pulling the tray over her lap. Lyric smiled at him and ate what he brought her. When she was finished, she managed to convince him that she was well enough to walk and followed him into the kitchen. Aside from some trouble on the stairs, her ankle did really hurt as much as she thought it would.

Her mother was sitting at the kitchen table and Keiryn and Brianne were sitting on either side of her. They hadn't had the chance to see her last night, so the rushed her as soon as she was through the door. Kyle, who was following behind, caught her when they tackled her, laughing the entire time.

Lyric smiled and tickled them until they let go and went back to sit with their mother. Lyric walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek before tacking a seat on the other side of Keiryn.

"So, what are the plans for today? Now that we've got Kyle back, anything?" Lyric asked.

"I thought we all might go out,but since you got hurt, I figure it would be best to go to a doctor first. I already made the appointment." Her mother added when lyric flinched.

She hated the doctors after the little episode with her step father that landed her in the hospital. She shuddred at the thought of of those people in white coats and immediately began to try and think of a way out of it.

She had only half come up with a plan when her mother also decided to inform her that the appoiment was in half an hour. Lyrics gaped at her before getting up and moving up the stairs and to her room as fast as she could manage. She dressed in record time and made back downt he stairs before her mother had the chance to yell at her to hurry up.

Kyle helped her into the car before climbing into the back seat with Keiryn and Brianne. Ethan was standing on the porch of his house and making faces at her. When Lyric finally laughed and made one back, he waved and went inside. Lyric leaned back in her seat as her mom made her way to the doctor.


later that day, all Lyric had needed was some ice and a brace for her ankle. They were now waliking around and amusement park, Keiryn and Brianne going crazy over everything.

"Were we this bad?" Lyric asked gesturing to herself and Kyle.

"Oh, you two and Roseanne were worse. Way worse." Ms. Bouet smiled at the shocked looks on their faces.

"really? is that even possible?" Kyle asked.

"Oh very. put some sugar and fantasy creatures into you, and we got a riot. We almost got kicked out because some of your antics." Ms. Bouet smiled at the memory.

Kyle and Lyric looked at each other and shook their heads, deciding that their mother had finally lost her mind. They laughed as they watched Keiryn and Brianne run after a giant bunny, only to stop when the two were grabbed by another parent. Lyric moved toward them quickly, but Kyle beat her to it.

"Hey, put them down." He told the stranger.

The stranger toward them and Lyric caught her breath. The man was gorgeous, with light brown hair and brilliant green eyes. He was taller than Lyric and built. When he looked at her, she felt her cheek's heat up and looked away at the ground.

"Are they your kids?" He asked, his eyes still at Lyric.

"They're my sibling. What's your problem anyways? grabbing innocent kids you don't even know..." Kyle continued to mutter about even after he had let go of Keiryn and Brianne.

Kyle started to walk back to their mom when he turned back to Lyric. "You coming?" He asked.

" me a sec." Lyric mumbled.

This time when she looked up, she meet the strangers eyes. They stared at eachother for a minute before he finally introduced himself.

"My name's Dimitri." He stuck out his hand.

"Lyric." She shook his hand and quickly stepped back to where she had been before.

"Lyric? Beautiful name...was that your boyfriend?" Dimitri gestured towards Kyle.

"What? oh, no, that's brother. My boyfriend stayed home." Lyric explained.

She watched his eyes flash and wondered if she had said something wrong. Dimitri coughed and stepped back.

"Well, it was nice to meet you...Lyric. Until we meet again...." He turned and walked away from her.

Lyric stared after him. 'Until they meet again?' What in the world had he been talking about?
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ok, I'm getting away from the sappy stuff soon. it's not really my style and doesn'y fit the way I envisioned this story...but there's drama coming soon. if you want more sappy, let me know and I'll see what I can do, if not power to ya lol