Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Pizza Parlor

After her stepfather's insane episode, Lyric layed at the foot of the stair until she heard her younger sister creep down the stairs. She sat up with some effort and turned so that she watched her walk down.

"What are you doing Brianne?" Lyric asked her quietly

"Are you ok? I heard him yelling and then the door slam..."Brianne looked unsure of what else to say.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you, keiryn, and mom alright?" Lyric asked struggling to get up.

"We're ok...what did he do to you?" Brianne asked in a scared voice.

"He didn't do anything. but lets get upstairs before he decides to comeback ok?" Lyric managed to gentle guid her sister back up the stairs and int her room.

She hand't realized how long she had been laying at the foot of the stair until she looked out her sister's window. She told her sister to stay in her room, and after checking on her brother and mom, took her car and went out to get something for dinner.

Lyric didn't expect to run into anyone she knew from school, but apparently it was a pretty small town. She walked into the pizza parlor and also ran into the guy named Ethan who had been with the blonde who had harassed her at school. She quickly looked away and got out of his way, but he didn't walk past her.instead he stopped in front of her

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Huh?" She looked up at him surprised. then, realizing what she must look like, quickly looked back down.

"Are you alright? you looked like you got into a fight or something..."He trailed off, waiting for her to answer.

"I only wish that it was that simple."She muttered not aware that he cold hear her.

"What do you mean?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

"Nothing. Why are you even interested?" She asked finally looking up at him.

He looked taken back. Lyric guessd that HE didn't even know why he was interested.

"Ummm..."He stuttered

Lyric sighed, shook her head and walked past him so that she could order the pizza. she needed to get home before her stepdad, but she didn't know when that would be.

She could hear Ethan stil standing behind her, but she decided to ignore him. Once she had gottent eh pizza, she quickly made her way outside and into her car. when she looked up and back into the pizza place, Ethen was still standing there watching her.


Lyric managed to make it home before her stepfather, which was defianetly a good thing. when he finally did get home, he was even more drunk than he was before. Lyric sent her siblings and mom back up stairs before he had a chance to fully realize that they had been eating without him.

Her stepfather had always been tempermental with the way things were done in the house, but after finding out that he was willing to hit her, she didn't want to take any chances.

He didn't notice her and stumbled into the living room where he passed out on the couch. Lyric set some water and tylenol on the side table before making her own way upstairs on collapsing on her bed.

when she was unable to get to sleep, she got up gingerly and put her ipod into her ihome. looking through her music and finally deciding on escape the fate, she chose a song and walked over to her desk where she went online. Lyric checked her email and any other website where she had an account, answering emails and comment as she went.

when she signed onto myspace, she saw that she had two new friend requests. She had been expecting one from Cheryl, but she had no clue who the other one was from. She decided to add him anyways. Just when she was about to sign out, she recieved a message.

-Hi. How are you?-

Lyric stared at the message before responding
~who are you?~

-you know me.- was the reply back

~do I?~

-yep. we go to school together.-

~are you sure?~

-yeah. we also just saw eachother...-

Lyric suddenly realized who it was


-how'd you know my name?-

~I heard blondy call you that earlier~

-Blondy? Oh! Brooklyn-

~Is that her name?~

-Yeah. Look, I'm sorry about her. She doesn't know how to deal with new people.-


not wanting to talk with Ethan anymore, especially with the conversation straying towards "Brooklyn", Lyric signed out and turned off her computer.
Finally feeling tired, Lyric crawled into bed and, without turning her ipod off, fell alseep hoping not to dream.