Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Without a Sound

When they finally got back from the park, Lyric managed to stay awake long enough to send Ethan a text telling him the she would see him tomorrow and to say goodnight to her family. Falling into bed, she dreamt about the guy at the park. He had creeped her out, and she had been thinking about what he'd said the entire way home.

She could see him amongst the people in her dream. She was standing in a crowd, but she could only catch glimpses of him as he first walked toward her and then away as he motioned for her to follow. She shook her head but couldn't seem to control her feet. She followed him until they were out of the city and away from the crowds. several times she lost sight of him, but when she thought she might be able to turn and go back, he would show up again.

Finally they seemed to reach their destination. She stood in front of a large victorian style house that was falling apart. The man was no where in sight and as Lyric looked around, she realized the she was surronded by trees. She walked forward a little more, but couldn't walk up the steps. It was almost as if she hit an invisible wall.

She looked at the enitre front of the house, turning sharply when she heard a noise from behind her. Just as she was about to find the source of the noise, she felt someone shake her.

"Lyric. Lyric, you need to get up." She slowly opened her eyes to see Kyle standing over her.

"What happened?" She asked groggily, sitting up.

"You were yelling. It was starting to freak mom out." Kyle explained sitting on the edge of the bed.

Lyric shook her head and looked aroud her room. Her bed was in shambles, her blankets strewn every which way. Her window was open and the curtains were blowing wildly. She noted that her clock was upside down on the floor beside her bed. Sighing, she shooed Kyle out of her room and started cleaning up.

A little while later, she heard a knock on her door. Her mom poked her head in and looked around before slowly walking in. She sat on the bed opposite her daughter and surveyed the room.

"What were you dreaming about?" She asked softly.

"I'm...I'm not sure. I can't remember it clearly." Lyric sighed.

Her mother nodded and stood up looking around the room again. Lyric wasn't sure what she was looking for, but she didn't ask. Once her mom had left, she got off the bed and walked over to the window, leaning out and looking around her.

She was glad to see that it hadn't yet reached ten. That meant that she had plenty of time before she was supposed to meet Ethan and the rest of the guys. Taking a quicky shower and changing, she walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

Her brothers and sister were sitting at the table, eating while her mom was in the kitchen cooking somtheing. sitting down next to Brianne, Lyric reached out and took a piece of toast off the pile that sat in the middle of the table. Ignoring the looks her brother was sending her, she ate quickly before running upstairs and grabbing her phone.

Checking her messages, she saw that she had one form Ethan. Clicking read she let out a sigh when she read that him and the guys had decided that they needed from practice. She quickly replied, asking if he was busy then.

While waiting for his answer, Lyric looked around her room again and tried to remember the dream she had had clearly. She knew that there had been a house and the guy from the park. Other than that she couldn't remember anything, like how the house had looked. Suddenly her phone vibrated.

Opening the text, she smiled seeing what Ethan had written.

I'm only busy if you want to be. with you that is

Lyric asked if he wanted to hang out for a while, that she had something to talk to him about. She hoped that he wouldn't freak out over her choice of words and sent the message. Pocketing her phone, she walked over to her window and swung out onto the ledge above. Walking up carefully she climbed up onto the windows walk and looked out over the beach.

She was still puzzling over what Dimitri had meant when he said that they would meet again. She had never met him before that day but he seemed to know her pretty well. Kyle and seemed alarmed by him when he had grabbed Brianne and Keiryn but she had just put that up to being worried.

Pulling her phone out, she saw that Ethan had replied. He didn't seem worried, but then again, text messages had the chance of being misleading. She asked if he could meet her on the widows walk and waited for him to climb up. She watched him walk over from his house and walk into her house.

Turning back to the water Lyric sighed and leaned against the railing that kept her from falling. She heard Ethan stumble across the roof and fall over the railing. Laughing she turned that she faced him and found him spread face first on the floor. Laughing even harder, she walked over to help him up.

Instead of taking her help, Ethan flipped over and pulled Lyric down on top of him. Shrieking, Lyric caught herself and laughed as she hit his chest playfully.

"Jerk." She muttered, sticking her tongue out at him.

"You know you love it." He replied grinnig cheekily.

"Of course. Why else would I date you?" Lyric asked kissing him lightly.

Instead of answering her, Ethan looked at her and asked what she had wanted to talk about. Sighing, Lyric sat beside him [he was still lying on the floor] and started to repeat the trip to the amusement park. She almost left out the part about the dream, but decided at the last minute that what she remembered was probably something he would want to know.

When she finished, Ethan let out a relieved sigh and then scowled. His face had darkened at the mention of Dimitri, you could tell that he didn't like the sound of the guy. He frowned even more when Lyric had told him about the dream and the role Dimitri had played in it.

"Have you ever met him before?" He asked sitting up slightly.

"No, I haven't. That's the thing that's so confusing. He said that we would meet again, as if we'd met before that one time." Lyric looked at the clouds and thought about whether or not there was anything she had left out.

Ethan hugged her and told her not to worry. She smiled at him and decided that maybe he was right, that it was nothing to worry about. Standing up she pulled him up and started to leave the walk.

"Where are you going?" Ethan asked hugging her from behind.

"Aren't we going to hang out?" Lyric asked confused.

"Why can't we hang up here? I like it." Ethan pulled her down so that she sat on his lap and put his head on her shoulder.

"That can not be comfortable." Lyric stated.

"It is...I like this position." Ethan stated grinning cheekily.

Lyric laughed and relaxed against Ethan. She felt him lean back against the rail and she looked out into the sky, just enjoying the silence. Ethan didn't say anything for a long time and neither did she. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Are you glad your brothers back? Do you know if he's leaving again?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's good to have him back. I'm not sure if he's leaving but I hope that he decides to stay." Lyric sighed.

"I'm glad he's here if it makes you happy." Ethan whispered.

"I don't need him to make me happy." Lyric told him turning so that she could kiss him.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay!! update!! sorry if it sucks, I'm still kinda stuck with this story...but I'm making an effort.
I hope you guys enjoy...and thank you to those you have commented!!!