Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It


When Lyric arrived at school the next day, she found Cheryl waiting for her. As soon as she opened the door and stepped out, Cheryl jumped her and told her to hurry up.

"Why do I need to hurry up? We're not anywhere near late." Lyric asked her suspiciously

"Because! If we don't get to the courtyard, we'll miss the fight!"Cheryl exclaimed grabbing Lyric's arm and running towards said courtyard.

Lyric decided not to question and just follow. It had been awhile since she had seen a good fight anyways...

When they finally arrived at the courtyard, the fight had yet to start. Lyric recognized Ethan standing in the middle of the circle with a guitar case over his shoulder and his arms crossed over his chest. They couldn't hear what they were saying, but obviously he and whoever he was supposed to fight were argueing. Lyric could hear Brooklyn from wear she was standing on the other side of the circle. She was telling Ethan not to get into a fight, that he didn't need to get expelled from another school.

He ignored her and threw the first punch that everyone had been waiting for. Lyric watched him and the other guy fight. Ethan definately knew what he was doing while the other guy looked completely unsure. That would be his mistake and how he woul lose tha fight. Lyrics started to walk away and Cheryl followed her.

"Where are you going? You don't want to see the fight?" Cheryl asked amazed.

"Ethan wins."Lyric said simply.

"H-how do you know that?" Cheryl asked.

"You can tell by the way they each fight. The other guy was unsure. Ethan knew what he was doing. Actually, it should end"Lyric continued to walk as Cheryl turned back to see if her prediction was right.

Cheryl caught up with Lyric at the front door.

"How could you tell that from the way they fight?"Cheryl asked in wonder

"I take it I was right?" Lyric asked

"Yeah, but..." Cheryl looked confused now

"I used to get into a lot of fights. It's been a while, but I can stil tell the outcome just by glancing at a fight." Lyric told her.

"Well thats no fun!" Cheryl cried out.

Lyric shrugged as they walked into their first class. Once they had taken their seats, Lyric took out her ipod and turned it on. Her teacher gave her a warning glance, but Lyric just stared blankly back at her. Her teacher sighed and gave up. Lyric smirked and turned it up louder.

She did her work as quickly as she could. She wanted to get it down so that she could get out of class early and head over to the music room. That was the one class that she didn't have with Cheryl. While Lyric loved music, Ceryl would rather be out skipping class.

Her teacher let her go early after she had shown her that all of her work was done correctly. She made her way into the music room and took her seat in the bac of the room. the class was currently empty, but then again she had another half hour until first period was even out.

Lyric picked up one the guitars near her chair and, after making sure that it was tuned, started to play. She sang along softly with whatever she was playing. Unaware that she was being watched, she switched songs to one that she would be more diffcult to play.

Suddenly she heard another voice signing alone with hers, one that was lower and definately male. She stopped playing and looked up realizing that she was no longer alone in the room. The teacher had come in and had been signing along with the song she had been playing.

"What was that first song you played?" he asked leaning back on his desk and looking at her.

"I-it was something I wrote."Lyric told him shyly.

"It was good. i liked it. Maybe you'd be willing to play it fir the class one day?" He asked with raised eyebrow.

"I-I don't know...maybe."

Lyric quickly put the guitar away, but when she got up to leave, the teacher told her to stay. they only had five minutes until class was gonna start anways. Lyric sat back down in her seat and took the guitar back out of it's case.

She played quietly and tried not to sing along with the song. Finally, others began filing in and she was able to relax as the class started. Lyric managed to make it through the class without anymore embaressing moments. When she walked out into the hall, she was not expecting what was waiting for her.

Brooklyn stood just outside the door with another boy behind her. She turned to him when she say Lyric and whispered something to him.

"What? Are you gonna have him try to kick my ass because you can't? Good luck..."Lyric told them as she tried to walk past.

The boy grabbed her arm and told her, "I'm not gonna try anything. But I am going to kick your ass."

He threw the first punch. Lyric easily dodged him and stepped back. not exactly what she would want on the second day of school, but hey, he threw the first punch. She threw her own punch and it landed squarely on his chin. The boy stumbled backwards and almost stepped on Brooklyn.

He quickly straighted up and charged her. Lyric was smart enough to get out of his way, but he still managed to catch her in the stomach. she grunted and tried not to double over. She caught the boy by his shoulders and kneed him in the face. He went down quickly after that.

When the teacher finally managed to get through the doorway, Lyric had already disappeared down the hall. The others claimed that she had only fought back in self defense while Brooklyn told him the Lyric had thrown the first punch. The teacher decided to trust the majority of the group and left without saying anything about it.

When Lyric found out that she wasn't gonna get in trouble for getting into a fight and that the other students had stood up for her, she realized that maybe she was more well liked than she had thought...