Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Home Life

The rest of the day went by uneventful. Lyric managed to make it through the rest of her classes alive and when Cheryl asked her about the fight she wuickly changed subjects.

"Why don't you wanna talk about it?"Cheryl asked for the tenth time.

"Because, that was a horrid fight. Nothing I want to be proud of."Lyric told her as they walked out to the parking lot.

"But why? I heard it was awesome! I mean, your like...the only chick ever to take down Chase Anthony!" Cheryl exclaimed

"And thats a big deal?" Lyric asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course it is! He's the only one Ethan won't fight with. everyone thought that it was because no one could beat him, but you just proved them all wrong! Not to mention you're a girl!" Cheryl was practiaclly jumping up and down next to Lyric.

"You get really excited about these kinds of things don't you?"Lyric asked when they stopped at her car.

"Well, yeah! I mean, it's what makes this school interesting. well, aside from the scandals, but still!" Cheryl waved off to the side when she mention scandals.

"Scandals?"Lyric asked suspiciously.

" You don't know? Brooklyn and Ethan are going out, but brooklyn is cheating on him with Chase. Very scandalous of you ask me." Cheryl said nodding.

Lyric stared at her, shook her head and got in her car.

"Where are you going?" Cheryl asked.

"Home. You scar me." Lyric checked her rearview mirror hoping that she might be able to hit Brooklyn's car.

She waved at Cheryl and managed to back her way out of the parking lot. When she got home, she was surprised to see that her stepfather wasn't home yet. She cautiously got out of her car and walked up the front steps.

When she opened the front door, her mom and sister were sitting on the couch watching cartoons. Lyric was happy to see her mom out of her room, but she was wary about were her stepfather might have gone. If he decided to show up, she would have to make sure to get the others upstairs.

Lyric knew that it was supposed to be her mom's responsibility to deal her stepfather, but she was too scared so Lyric had taken over it. When he came home drunk everynight, it was Lyric who stopped the fights and got the others out of harms way, while she was the one who took the brunt of the yelling.

Recently she had also been taking the brunt of the beatings too. Her stepfather had taken to the habit of beating her whenever he came home after she had decided to interrupt and argument he had been having wiith her mother.

Lyric heard a car pull up outside and quickly told her mom and sister to get upstairs while she tried to clean up. She heard the door open, but when she turned around, it wasn't her stepfather who walked in the door, it was her older sister Roseanne. Lyric let out the breath she had been holding and went to greet her sister.

She called upstairs to her mom and siblings that it was ok to come downstairs. Roseanne gave her a weird look hen she heard her say that, but she didn't question it. After her mom and sister had come down (keiryn refused to leave his room) Lyric went upstairs to find her younger brother.

"Keiryn? Don't you want to say hi to Roseanne?" Lyric peeked around the side of the door

"NO!"He yelled from under his bed.

"Why not?" Lyric asked as she made her way into the room.

"Because. He might be down there."

Lyric knew exactly who he was talking about.

"He's not home yet Keiryn. It's ok to come downstairs."

"Really?" Keiryn peeked out from under the bed.

"Really." Lyric smiled down at him and took his hand as he crawled out form under the bed.

They made their way downstairs and Keiryn ran to jump into Roseanne's hug. Lyric smiled and joined them all in the living room. They all had the chance to catch up with what had been going on. Roseanne asked Lyric about her new school, and Lyric told her about Cheryl and her classes. She decided to leave out the part the fight.

Finally Roseanne left and Lyric sent the others upstairs knowing the her stepfather would be home soon. Sure enough he walked in the door as soon as her sister had shut her door.
He started yelling at Lyric, and she made the mistake of yelling back.

He advanced towards her , but when she steped away, she realized she was up against a wall. She flinched away from his advancing fist and thought 'another day at home...'
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sorry, it's long