Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Midnight Beach Trip

Lyric stared at Ethan as he stepped closer to her before taking a step back and running into the railing of the rail. She quickly slipped out from in front of him and muttering something about having something to do in her room, climbed back into her window. After she had closed it, she leaned back against the wall and let the breath she had been holding.

Her phone, which had been sitting on her bedside table, was flashing red, showing that she had a new text.

-meet me on the beach.-

She didn't check to see who it was from, but knew that she couldn't stay inside for any longer and decided to sneak out the window.She managed to drop onto the balcony of the front porch without any noise, but from there she would have to be more careful because she knew her stepfather would be coming around soon. She dropped onto the grass and winced as her ankle turned.

Lyric silently cursed and stood still for a moment so that her ankle could get used to her weight and then finally started her way towards the backyard, where she could reach the beach easier. Now, Getting over her back fence would be a problem. She didn't dare open it because it made a horrendous squeaking sound that she knew would wake the others up. She also couldn't jump it like she normally would because of her ankle.

She stood and stared at the gate for the longest time before deciding the jumping it would just be the easier way to go. She looked around to make sure that both of her neighbor's lights were out, then jumped the fence as quickly as she coud without hurting her ankle even more. Once she had dropped to the other side, she ran off in the direction of the water hoping the no one had been awake to see her leave the house.

Lyric reached the water and sat down heavily on the sand. She let out the breath that she had been holding and layed on her back so that she could see the sky. Rembereing why she had even snuck out in the first place, she pulled her phone out to see who had sent her the message. The sent portion read Wells but nothing else. Not knowing anyone by the name of wells, she wondered just how smart she had been to leave the house.

She layed and found constelations for a few minutes before it started to get cold. She shivered and sat up, looking around for whoever might have sent her the text. She noticed that there was someone sitting just a little ways down the beach from her, but decided that it might not be the best idea to talk to a complete stranger. Then again, she had come down here to meet someone before she even knew who it was.

She stood up and started to walk toward the person when she heard her name being called from the opposite direction. She turned and saw Cheryl walking towards her. Lyric looked between her and the stranger confused because she knew that Cheryl's last name wasn't wells, but she didn't know the strangers name at all and decided to go with the safer bet.

"What are you doing here?" Cheryl asked her once they had reached each other.

"I don't know really. I got a text from someone named Wells and decided to come meet them because I didn't want to be in the house any longer." Lyric told her shrugging.

"Do you always just jump at random oppurtunities when you feel confind?" Cheryl asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, generally. I know it's not the smartest thing to do, but nothing bad's happened yet." Lric explained.

"Yet."Cheryl told her crossing her arms.

Lyrics grinned at her sheepishly and turned so that she was facing the water. Ceryl sat down and Lyric sat beside her. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Lyric decided that she should get back home and into bed. She said goodbye to Cheryl and managed to make it back into the house without further injury.

She turned her ipod back on and scrolled through the songs like she had the night before. After she had chosen one that fit her mood, she checked her phone before turning it off and climbing into bed. She lay there for a minute and thought about what had happened on the roof earlier that night. She shook her head and scooted down further into the blankets, hoping that sleep would come sooner rather then later.

She never did meet the person who sent the text...