Status: Hiatus

Together We Made It

Surprises and New Kids

~*~*~A few months later~*~*~

Lyric wondered the halls of the school as she looked for the spot that she was supposed to be meeting Cheryl at. She had been at the school for a while now, but she still had the habit of getting lost in the numerous halls. She wasn't even sure if she was going in the right direction and decided to check her text to make sure.

When she opened her phone, she saw that she had a new text from Cheryl changing their location to one more well known as well as one from someone she didn't recognize. Lyric checked the sender and all it said Wells. Suddenly she remebered the night that she had spent on the rof and the beach. She never did find out Wells was...maybe she would get the chance soon.

The text read:-where are you?-

Unable to decided whether to answer or not, Lyric losed the phone and decided to meet up with Cheryl so that she coud get her advice. She made it to the meeting spot before Cheryl did, which surprised her because Cheryl was the one who sent the text, but then she saw Cheryl walking up with someone Lyric didn't know.

"Hey! You have to meet the new kid!"Cheryl yelled out to her when they were within hearing distance.

Lyric looked at said new kid. He was taller than her by...a lot, with blonde hair that was styled so his bangs fell into his eyes. He looked like he played a lot of sports or worked out alot because he was built fairly nicely. His eyes, from what Lyric could see, were a stormy grey. Lyric liked him already.

Cheryl and the new guy finally made it over to where Lyric had been sitting and Ceryl introduced him.

"Lyric, this is Damian. He just transfered school a couple days ago. I thought you might like to meet him, ya know, since you were the new kid not so long ago."Cheryl explained.

Lyric smiled and held her hand out. Damian looked at her hand for a minute and then looked her in the eyes as he shook it.

"It's nice to meet you." Lyric told him.

He just nodded at her.

"I found him wondering the halls at random and thought it might be nice to invite him to sit with us. Is that ok?" Cheryl asked looking at Lyric questionably.

"Yeah, thats fine. We could always use some new company. Not that I ever get tired of you that is."Lyric quickly clarifed her mistake as Cheryl looked at her reproachfully.

Damian laughed at them and sat down. Lyric and Cheryl looked at eachother before sitting beside him. Cheryl immedaitely began questioning him about how he was likeing the school and what-not as Lyric listened and people watched.

Never feeling like she had anything better to do, when she was bored Lyric liked to people watch. It gave her an excuse to watch people, examine their lifes, and make up dramas with the conversations she couldn't hear. She didn't notice that there was someone else with that same hobby, and they were watching her.

Lyric turned back to Cheryl and Damian and tuned herself back into the conversation when she heard her name mentioned more than once. Cheryl was explaing how Lyric had moved her not that long ago and still got lost in the halls herself. When she suggested that maybe Damian and Lyric might run into eachother while they were lost in the halls, Lyric shoved her gently.

"What? You're actually listening for once?"Cheryl asked surprised.

"I managed to tune in just in time to hear that comment."Lyric told her with a smile.

"You always manage to tune in at the most inconvenient times...unless we're in class and they ask you for an answer, then it's convenient."Cheryl said rolling her eyes.

"It's my special talent."Lyric retorted shrugging and sticking her tongue out.

Again Damina laughed and when they both gave him a funny look, he just simple told them that they were amusing to watch and listen to. Cheryl and Lyric looked at eachoher and shrugged, not really getting what was so entertaining.

"Whatever you say..."Lyric told him as she turned around and went back to people watching.

"Why do you stare off into space like that?" Damian asked.

"I'm people watching."Lyric told him

"Why in the world would you do that? People can be so boring..."Cheryl complained.

"Not if you do it right. you can make up dramas from the conversations you can see but can't hear, and you can make up stories to go with the people."Lyric explained.

Cheryl looked at her like she was crazy.

"Take Brooklyn for instance. I don't really know why she crying, but just from watching I'm guessing that Ethan broke up with her. either that or Chase did." Lric told her pointing over to where Brooklyn and her friends stood.

"Wait! Brooklyn's crying?" Cheryl exclaimed immediately interested.

"Not my point, but yeah."Lyric told her.

"How would you feel if people were watching you?"Damian asked Lyric, looking at someting behind her.

"What?"Lyric spun around, but didn't see anything or anyone.

She turned back around and looked at Damian suspiciously. She had just met him, but was already wary that he was just as coniving as her other friends back home had been. They were always playing tricks on one another, as well as other people.

Suddenly, Cheryl came runnng back from the tight group of people surrounding Brooklyn.

"Guess what? Ethan broke up with Brooklyn!"Cheryl exclaimed excitedly.

Lyric stared at her opened mouthed.
