Let the Music Take You

Raven DeArbello lives with his drug addict mother. He takes care of her. But, because taking care of a druggie is hard work, Raven rarely has time for any friends, earning him the label of loner.

Cassidy Miller lives with her abusive father and quiet mother. Though coming from an abusive family, Cassie is a very happy girl. She doesn't really fit with any label as she migrates from group to group.

Raven and Cassie have very different lives, yet their lives are very much alike.

Note: This is my very first story... ever. So, if it's horrible, don't shoot!

Heh heh, enjoy.

Comments would be nice too.
  1. Never Seen You Fall So Far
    Gives You Hell - All American Rejects
  2. If They Knew How Misery Loved Me
    Fall Out Boy - Dance, Dance