Status: Slowly working on it -.-"

I Promise I Will Come Back

Chapter thirty two

Frank P.O.V

I hate this hate, hate. hate! My baby girl doesn't now me and I hate it to the very bone. "Frankie I want to get out of here! Hospitals scare me!" Milly said she was losted her memory and she is acting as if she was little child. "I know baby you will be out soon" I told her Mikey was holding her she might not remember us but she sure knows who is her parent. She was dressed in a pink skirt she had purple leggings, a white t-shirt that had a tree on it also her favorite brown bear jacket. She sat on her bed her legs crossed and holding her rabbit "Mikey I want to go home!" She said. "We will soon baby right after the doctor comes and gives us the okay" He told her and stroked her hair. She pouted a small smile formed on my face "So Mikes are you still going to LA?" Gerard asked him. "I don't want to but Bob is asking me to go so I must but I don't want to leave Milly in her state." Mikey told him Milly wasn't listening to she was too busy listening to her Ipod.

"I could watch her Mikey? She won't be a bother." I said I was hoping he would leave her with heck I was praying! "Uh sorry Frankie but Gerard is already watching her for me but I need you to check up on her. To make sure she remembers something and that Gerard doesn't teach her anything violent!" Mikey said I nodded. "Don't worry Mikey I will if he teaches her anything violent he is going to get slapped" I told him. I looked over at Gerard who had a smirk on his I glared at him then returned my attention to Milly. The doctor came in "Okay everything seems to be fine with her she can go home when ever she wants!" The doctor said when Milly heard that she jumped up and almost ran out the door but Mikey got her before that happen. He gave her a hug and kiss on her forehead she snuggled close to him. "Come lets get you home so you can pack some clothes to take to your uncle's house." He told her. 'How long are you going to be gone?" She asked him in a sad tone. "Just a week I will be back I promise" He told her. She smiled Mikey ruffled up her head "Hey!" She said and pouted the most cute pout ever! She got that from me I know she did and I also know she got my smile!

An hour later we went to Mikey's house I got a ride from Mikey "And we all want to party when the funeral ends ba-ba-ba!" Milly said. "Aww she is singing our song!" I said I joined in with her soon did Mikey we all sang along. Soon Mikey's cell began to ring he pick it up "At the end of the world or the last thing I see!You are never coming home! Never coming home!!" Milly sang loudly and so did I. "Gerard asked what was dying!" Mikey said he began to laugh "Hey!" Both Milly and me said. We both laughed soon we got to Mikey's house Milly hopped out the car and ran to the front door. "I know this place!" She said Mikey and me walked behind her "Of course you do! This is where you live you silly goose!" I said when Mikey open the door she rushed in. "Wow!" She said she looked every where then she ran up stairs to her room. "Wow she is really happy to be home" I said " I would be too if I was kept at a hospital for a week!" He said soon we heard something smash against the wall from up stairs then a lscream. I ran up stairs along with Mikey we ran into Milly's room "Kill it Mikey! Kill it, Kill it, kil it!!!" She screamed. "Milly what is wrong?!" I asked her she pointed to the floor and I saw this big ass spider!

"HOLY MOTHER! THATS A BIG SPIDER!" Mikey said Milly let out other scream because it moved I screamed too. "Kill it!" I yelled I hopped on Milly's bed. She hugged me I held her close. "KILL IT!" We both yelled again like father like daughter.
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Okay I have some bad news my readers I am going to mexico for the holidays I will be there for two weeks so this story and others will be put on hold till I get back. But don't feel sad I might log on to check on this story and others. SO while I am gone I want to see comments when I log on! xD So bitte comment and make my day! xD