I'll Never Look Back.

What Do We Do Now?

"Hi mum. I'm... Okay. Sorry, yeah, I'm fine. How're you? ... Oh, that's good.... What? Yeah, sure I will. Is it okay if Caitlin stays over for a few days, please? ... What? ... Oh, she had a massive row with her mum, and she says she wants her out of the house for a few days..... I don't know, but Caitlin's pretty torn up about it. So is it okay? .... Thanks, mum, you're a legend. We'll be back soon. Love you, bye."
He turns to face me, and pulls me up.
"Come on, love, let's go back to my place, mum says it's fine for you to stay there. We do have to look after my little brother. Sorry."
"That's fine, isn't he ten, or something?"
"Yes." He says through gritted teeth. I laugh at his expression, and grab my bag and keys.
We run out the door, and go to the bus stop. I grip Alex's hand, and he looks at me with worried eyes.
"Are you okay, honey?"
I nod at him, not able to speak just yet. Adrenaline and sickness swirl around my body. Oh, God, what the hell are we going to do now? This is usually something that people have to consider when they get into their late twenties or thirties, not when they're fucking fifteen years old. I'm not even that yet, it's my birthday in two weeks, oh my God. I don't want to do this.
"We don't have to do this, you know, we can always get you an abortion," he says, as if reading my mind.
I look at him gratefully, and try to think it over.
"Look, let's get to yours, and we'll tell your parents tomorrow, and then we can make our decision from then."
"Okay, whatever you want to do, we'll do it, okay?"
"Yeah, I love you, Alex."
"I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it's short. xx kitty xx
maybe if you comment, i'll be able to write it better!!!