I'll Never Look Back.


"HolyJESUS!" I scream as I'm tackled from behind by some massive unseen force.
Whatever it is scoops me up, swings me around and then drops me to the floor and tickles me mercilessly.
"You.... fucking.....
bitch!" I gasp as Alex's older brother, Matt, lets me back up. He grins, totally innocently.
"Hey Catkin, how are you?"
"Not too bad, you?"
"Yeah, okay, thanks. So what new shenanigans have you been getting my brother into, then? Nothing too bad, I hope." He prods me in the arm.
"How's uni?" I ask changing the subject. That was a bad idea, he can immediately tell that something is wrong. I daren't look into his eyes. He puts his arms around my waist, and picks me up.
"Come on, Catkin, you're coming into my office. We clearly has some sings to talk about." He says in a terrible German accent.
I laugh at him, feeling slightly better, and struggle to get out of his arms. He puts me down when we reach the stairs, and lets me walk on my own. When we reach his bedroom, he opens the door, and motions for me to go inside. He sits down on his bed, and motions for me to join him. I amble over, and try and think of something to talk about. I'm not fast enough, and he launches into it. Whatever it is.
"So, what have you done, then? Although maybe the question is, what haven't you done, Catkin?" He asks jokingly.
"Okay, not funny Matt." I sigh, and look at the floor. The truth is, I've always had a bit of a crush on Matt, and I thought I could tell him anything, but maybe this is crossing the line. I feel my eyes begin to fill, and blink to get rid of the stupid, embarrassing water.
"Come, on, Catkin," he says, cupping my chin, "you can tell me anything."
"Okay, but please, please, please don't hate me.