I'll Never Look Back.

Caity? What Did You Do Now?

"Hey, little sis'! How's my favourite kid on the planet up to? What've you been up to, eh?" My big brother says down the phone.
"Getting pregnant, Dan."
Silence. Did he hang up on me?

I wince at the volume, and my stomach knots while I wait for his anger to taper off.
"You aren't, are you?" He asks hoarsely.
"I'm sorry, Danny." I whisper.
"Oh, God, Caity. How did Mum take it?"
"She kicked me out. I'm staying with Alex. I'm all over the place, Dan, I can't think straight, I feel like puking every ten minutes, and my hormones are at the most extreme levels. I just wanna cry, and then I feel like laughing, I'm such a wreck. And now you're mad at me, and so is Mum, and Alex is pissed, and his Mum will probably chuck us out, and you're angry. And, and, and I just don't know what to do." And I break down for what feels like the hundredth time today.
There's another short space of silence while he considers what I've told him.
"I'm getting a train as soon as I can, I can probably be there tonight. Me and you can go out, and we'll talk things over, okay, baby sister?"
I sigh in relief, and start crying harder, mainly because I'm happy now.
"O-okay, Dan. I-I'm s-sorry. I'm so sorry." I sniffle pathetically.
"I'll see you later, love, I have to get a train. I wuvs you Catty."
"Wuvs you too Danny-Dan."
And there goes that difficult talk.