Summer in the City

Gerard hates being at home now that his family is being torn apart, he feels he can only get away from everything whilst being at his Art and Theatre study school In New York with his best Friend James. He hates the way things have turned out for the worse with his family, can a new student at his school regain his hope and faith in his problems?

Mikey laughed again and began to grab as much snow as possible. He threw the snowballs at dad who laughed along with us as we pounded each other with the snow. After a while we stopped and lay down in the snow and began to spread our arms and legs and make snow angels.

We got up and admired out masterpieces, Dad put his arm around my shoulder and did the same with Mikey who was stood on the opposite side of him. He pulled us closer to him and laughed.

“Well if you look at that. Well done my sons, they’re absolutely perfect.”

Dad kissed my head and then Mikey’s and we all laughed and smiled at each other. The front door opened and out came my mom now with a coat on.

“Have you guys finished? I‘ve made you some hot chocolate with marshmallows on the top.”

Mikey and I grinned at each other and ran inside, mom and dad following behind us hand in hand. Everything was amazing and perfect on that day nothing could bring us down.

But. Things don’t last forever. People change.

This is my newest story which I started writing on the 11th January. Please Comment when you read, it's not that hard!! It won't get updated otherwise.
