Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.

Happy Birthday.

Ani and April were identical in almost every way - the same style, same colour of eyes and hair, and both liked the same taste in music and films. There was only one visual subtle difference to them - Ani had longer hair, whereas April had short hair.
Their personalities did not clash at all. Ani was slightly more reserved, and was classed as the ‘klutz’. April was usually slightly more hyper and a tad more louder, typically the one to make friends faster. It wasn’t that Ani was unsociable - she just preferred to have a few close friends than lots of casual friends.
This didn’t mean to say that both of them had a different social group, either - they both belonged in the same group of friends that they adored. April, on the other hand, had more friends out of their social group than Ani did.

“Happy Birthday, my babies,” Candice Healy cooed to her two twin daughters, April and Ani Healy. She handed them both identical boxes, both wrapped exactly the same silver wrapping paper. They both smiled warmly at their mother, reaching for the gifts. They unwrapped their gifts carefully, warily. They looked at each other, both with a velvet black box laying comfortably in their hands. April smiled, nodding.
“One, two, three…”
They lifted the lids of their boxes together, April smiling happily, her eyes glittering. Ani gasped, a wide grin plastered on her face. Two things lay in both boxes - one item was a sliver chain, attached to a platinum locket with the owners’ name scrawled delicately across it. The other item was a silver and black key.
They both lifted the expensive necklace from their boxes, holding them out to each other. April fastened the necklace around Ani’s neck first, as she was older. Ani repeated this with April, both smiling. Their mother, who was sitting in front of them, was happy, content as both her daughters were now grown up. Her emotion was shown on her face, her happy tears glistening, unshed and clinging to her lashes. They both looked to their mother.
“Ma, what’s this?” Ani asked, holding up the key. Candice smiled.
“That’s your present from your Father and your Grandparents. It’s outside, baby.”
The girls stood up, rushing to slip on their shoes. Their mother followed them, chuckling happily. Outside on their driveway, lay a beautiful dusk blue Saab 900 Convertible, the rising sun hitting the car gorgeously, making it somehow glitter in the early December setting. The happy and hyper girls swiftly made their way to the car, Ani beating her younger sibling by three minutes to the drivers’ side. They got in, Ani twisting the key, bringing the engine to life. April laughed happily, looking at the clock above the radio and cassette player.

Wednesday, 3rd December 1997.