Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.

Shit, ***, Wank, Cock.

Bob’s Point of View
I cannot believe I did that, I thought, running a hand over my face. I puffed on my cigarette, indicating left, and tapping the ash off my cig out of the open window.
When I pulled up at my driveway, neither my Mom nor Dad’s car was there. I shut off the engine, getting out and locking Mikey’s car, which he let me borrow today. Thank God.
I was a young boy that had big plans.
Now I'm just another shitty old man.
I don't have fun and I hate everything.
The world owes me, so fuck you.

Groaning, I pulled out my phone from my back pocket; seeing Frank is a sex god flash across the screen as ‘The Grouch’ by Green Day rang out. I pressed the receive button, pushing the phone against my ear.
“What’s up?”
“Fuck, Bob. Shit, fuck, wank, cock!” he sounded panicked, stressed. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.
“Frank? What’s going on?”
“I’m at the hospital.”
“Fuck, Frank! Is it the alcohol? You fucking dick-face, you’re never drinking at a party again, you fucker, wait until I-”
“Bob! Bob, it’s not me!” I let out the trapped air from my lungs, breathing out loudly, pulling out my cigarettes and leaning against the door of the car. I lit up a cigarette, pushing the almost-empty packet into my leather jacket.
“You better tell me what the fuck is going on, or so fucking help me, I’ll rip your fucking co-”
“Alright, Bob, jeez! It’s Sazzy… her Mom. And fucking hell, Bob, I don’t know what the fuck to do. I’m shitting it, and I’ve tried not to show her, I don’t want her to break down and then-”
“Frank. Chill. What hospital you at?”
“East Orange… wait, fuck, Bob, don’t come here. The shit’s hitting the fucking fan, I don’t want piss to hit it, too,” he cried, and I could see him in my head, still in the same clothes as he was before, leant across the hallway of the hospital, looking like shit on a stick.
“Yeah, alright… what’s going the fuck on, then? Tell me,” I said, taking a drag on my cig, making a mental note to buy more fags.
“Well… You know everyone is like, ‘what the fucks up with Sazzy’s home life’ and all that shit?”
“Well, I always had this feeling it was like… you know…”
“Yeah… well it fucking is. And I dunno what to do, and you were the only person that came into my head, that could help me with this shit, Bob,” he said, almost at a whisper. He was probably told to shut up by some nurse.
“I know,” he mumbled, and again, I could picture him, this time picking at loose threads on the rips of his jeans.
“Fucking hell, you land yourself in right fucking shit, Frank…” I sighed, “Just tell me every-fucking-thing.”
He told me everything that had happened, from when he showed up at her house to when he called me.
“Fuck-ing hell… what are you gonna do?” I said, stubbing out my fourth and last cigarette.
“I dunno. I mean, I wanna be with her. I think she wants to be with me, too… I mean…”
“I think the whole of Jersey knows you two want to be together, Frank, you dick,” I chuckled, shaking my head at his obliviousness.
“Shut up,” he said, chuckling himself.
“Listen, man… seriously. Just look out for her. It’s all you can do right now, you know? And don’t stress yourself too much, you’re sick, remember? Chill out. And ring me later if you need anything, yeah?” I said, rubbing the creases out of my forehead.
“Yeah, thanks, Bob.”
“No problem, kid. I’ll call you later,” I explained, turning around opening the car door again, sitting in it.
“Bye,” he said, hanging up after. I shoved my phone back into my jeans’ pocket, starting the engine yet again, sighing.

Franks’ phone call kinda cleared my head of all this shit, and I felt a little better, in a weird way. Even though it was him babbling about his – and Sazzy’s – shit, it helped my problems a little.
I drove down roads, almost aimlessly until I came to a Wal-Mart, parking the car in a space near the entrance, running in and buying two packets of fags – just in case, and a Red Bull.
When I got back to the car, I downed the drink quickly, chucking it out the open window as I started the car up again, driving off.
♠ ♠ ♠
There will be another update tomorrow, too. Aren’t you lot lucky, getting four updates in two weeks? So comments, yeah? I don’t think that this will last much longer with no feedback…