Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.

Ani & Bob.

Ani’s Point of View
I pulled open the door, seeing Bob standing there, looking a little stressed.
“Hey, Bob… you alright?” I asked, slightly confused.
“Yeah… is anyone else around?” he said, poking his head round the door attentively, his eyes darting around behind me.
“No… it’s just me,” I replied, my forehead creased in confusion.
He stepped in at my answer, looking less stressed, and closed the door behind him, then moving his gaze to me. He scanned me, making me feel a little nervous, actually. I was never one for the lime-light. It was then that I was very aware of what I was wearing, which were my denim shorts that came to above my knees, and a blue ‘I Love Geeks’ tee. I tugged my shirt down a little, shifting my weight from my right foot to my left.
“I, err…” Bob started, rubbing the back of his neck, suddenly nervous. He chewed a little on the stud threaded through the right side of his lip, his eyes fixed on his black converse. He looked up, his bright blue eyes locking into my deep brown ones, fixing me there.
“I just wanted to say… that… what happened at the party, on your birthday,” he started, his eyes never leaving mine, “I don’t regret it. One bit.”
“Neither do I,” I whispered, as I watched him step closer, letting him place his hands on my shoulders, his fingers brushing against my neck. He moved my hair out of my face, my eyes fluttering closed, hearing him breathe as his lips hovered over mine, the smell of cigarettes and Red Bull emitting from him.
We heard the click and turn of the door, and we jumped apart, Bob looking a little sheepish and rubbing his neck again.
“Ani! I brought your fags!” April cried, opening the front door and stepping inside, looking a little damp… must be raining.
“Oh… hey, Bob,” April said, smiling.
“Hey,” he muttered, flashing a small smile.
“Err… were you guys just-”
“April!” I whispered urgently, nodding my head sharply towards the stairs. She giggled, walking up them in a slow and deliberate manner. I rolled my eyes at her, and she grinned back, finally going up them, hearing the soft thud of her closed door.
“I, um, should go,” Bob murmured, stepping towards the door. I grabbed a hold of his sleeve, pulling him back.
That word was all it took him to wrap his arms around me, pushing me into him, his lips meshed against mine. He pulled back quickly after a while, smiling softly.
“What made you come?” I asked in a whisper, running my hands through his hair. He laughed softly, and I couldn’t help but notice how cute he looked.
“It was the weirdest thing. Frank and Sazzy’s problems…”
“Problems?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. He nodded, tucking my hair behind my ear.
“Yeah. Well, its Sazzy’s problems, but Frank… likes making her business his,” he explained, nodding to himself.
“Oh… okay…”
“Don’t worry about it, babe,” he smiled, kissing my forehead.
“Bob… are we like…” I trailed off, feeling a little nervous. He smiled again.
“If you want to be.”
“I want to be.”
“Then you’re my girlfriend?” he said, stating it more like a question.
“And you’re my boyfriend,” I confirmed, grinning. He grinned back, hugging me close to him.
I was a young boy that had big plans.
Now I'm just another shitty old man.
I don't have fun and I hate everything.
The world owes me, so fuck you.

Bob groaned, pulling away, and patting his pockets until he felt his phone, pulling it out. He glanced at the screen, accepting the call.
“Frank,” he said, rubbing his forehead.
“What’s happening?”
Frank, on the other end of the phone babbled away endlessly, his voice sounding strained.
“Oh, fucking hell… listen, I’m coming down, okay?” Bob replied, his expression distraught.
“No, shut up. I’m bringing Ani down with me, too,” he said, his gaze flickering to me for a second, a flashing a small smile before he went back to looking at his shoes.
“Yeah. I’ll call you,” Bob stated, before hanging up quickly. He pocketed his phone, pulling out a pack of Marlboro Reds and a green lighter.
“Grab your coat, we got to go,” he said, flicking open the packet and pulling one out, sticking it in between his lips. I nodded, running upstairs and banging into my room, racing to my wardrobe and pulling out my blue bomber jacket and pulling it on hastily, as I grabbed my phone and ran into April’s room.
“April, where’s my cigs?!” I rushed, aware that Bob was waiting for me downstairs, and was in a hurry. She gave me a questioning look, throwing me a packet of Marlboro Lights and my red lighter, and I rushed out, racing down the stairs.
“Okay, quick, let’s go,” Bob said, opening the door and letting me step out, as he followed me to Mikey’s car.
“Where are we going?” I asked as soon as Bob had started the car, backing out of the driveway.
“The hospital.”