Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.

Hospital Stay.

Bob’s Point of View
When I pulled up at East Orange General Hospital, Ani had known everything that had gone on with Sazzy, Frank, and Mrs. Reyes. She was pretty shocked, but she got over it surprisingly quickly.
I got out of the car, pulling out yet another cigarette – I felt stressed out – and lighting it up, pulling out my phone as I locked the car, glancing at Ani who was rushing by my side. She had her hood up, protecting her from the drizzle.
“I just got to call Frank,” I said, flicking through the contacts in my phone. She nodded, swiftly taking the cigarette from my hand and puffing on it. I shook my head, slightly amused as I pressed the ‘call’ button when I reached Frank is a sex god. I have got to change that.
“Frank?” I said into the phone, taking my fag back off Ani, taking a drag.
“Bob. Are you here?”
“Yeah. What’s the room?” I asked, dropping the butt of my cig on the floor, squishing it with my toe.
“B778. Hurry,” he whispered, sounding slightly less strained and panicked than he did last time I spoke to him. I hung up, grabbing Ani’s hand and leading her to the main entrance of the hospital, ignoring the reception desk and finding my way to B778.
“Do you know where you’re going?” Ani asked in slight bewilderment, a tone that bought a smile to my face.
“Yeah… trust me,” I replied, pulling her along the long, bindingly white corridors.
“B700… B715… B728…” she muttered the numbers we passed, until I came to a stop.
Frank was slumped in a plastic blue chair in front of the room, looking like shit. Ani even let out a little gasp on seeing him, her free hand rushing to her mouth, her fingers pressed against her lips.
“Frank, are you okay?” she said, loosening her grip on my hand, walking towards him. He looked up and smiled pathetically, his eyes rimmed red and puffy, his complexion whiter than a ghost.
“I’m fine,” he croaked, shaking his head. I walked over to them, sitting in the chair next to him, Ani taking my other side.
“What’s happened?” I asked softly, placing a hand on his fragile and tiny shoulder. He shook his head again.
“I-I don’t know for sure. I think she’s gonna be alright,” he said, but it just sounded like he was comforting himself. He sighed, letting his head rest in the palm of his hand, his elbow propped on his knee.
“Where’s Sazzy?” Ani asked delicately, almost in a whisper.
“In there with her Dad. I didn’t wanna… you know.”
I nodded in response, slouching in my chair.
“I guess we’ll just have to wait.”

“They don’t think she’s going to make it.”
Her voice was barely inaudible, lower than a whisper. She was slumped in the chair next to Frank, his arm wrapped around her, his hand coiled with hers. He did his best to comfort her, running his free hand through her hair soothingly, as she lent into him. She looked sick, too. Her eyes were swollen, red and bloodshot. Her skin looked grey, rather than her usual pale-like complexion. She even looked thinner, even though that’s pretty much impossible.
“I’m so sorry, babe,” Frank murmured into her ear, kissing her temple. She sighed.
“We’re all here for you, hun,” Ani whispered, her gaze on Sazzy worried and mournful.
“Thanks,” Sazzy said, smiling at her sadly.

After that, Frank asked us to give them a minute, and we did. I held onto Ani’s hand, wandering with her aimlessly through the winding corridors.
“I feel so bad for her,” Ani mumbled, looking down at her shoes. I sighed.
“I know. I just dunno what to do, you know?”
“Yeah… it’s awkward. Her Mom’s dying and – doesn’t it feel like we should be doing something more?” she replied, looking up from her shoes at me, her eyes wide and questioning.
“I don’t think there’s much else we can do, sugar,” I reasoned, squeezing her hand. She sighed, and we started making our way back towards B778.

Frank’s Point of View
“You’ll be okay babe. I promise,” I said to her, as she watched the door of her mother’s hospital room, waiting for the door to open and her father to emerge.
“Don’t promise me promises that’ll be broken.”
“I’m not.”
She sighed heavily, collapsing back into her chair in defeat.
“Frank… please. Don’t,” she whispered, tears forming under her closed eyelids. I pulled her to me, embracing her in a tight hug.
Mr. Reyes burst through into the corridor frantically, his eyes landing on us quickly. Sazzy pulled away, our arms still around each other.
“She's in a coma."
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter sucks. Sorry.