Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.


Sydney’s Point of View
This was weird... really weird.
I was standing around outside Gee’s house with him, his little brother Mikey, his girlfriend April and her sister, Ani. They seemed quite cool, but I dunno, it just seemed awkward. Like, I barely knew them.
“When’s everyone else getting here?” Gee asked as white smoke emitted from his mouth as he spoke, which was due to the cold and the cigarette that was dangling from his fingers. His other arm was wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him, which kept me warmer.
“Um… should be here any minute now,” Mikey mumbled, shrugging carelessly.
It was Christmas break and Mikey and claimed that everyone had been going through a lot lately. It was true, as I heard that a few problems were happening with their friendship group, which I was kinda a part of now.
Sazzy’s Mom was in hospital, which had taken a toll on everyone – no one liked seeing a friend depressed. Bob no doubt had a shitty home-life, as well as Frank. Gerard and I had kinda sorted our problem now, but there were still the memories and emotions of the past. Ray and Hannah seemed a little… off, too. God only knows why. And the most recent – Ani seemed unhealthy… really unhealthy, actually. You could tell something was up, too, because of the way Bob looks at her. She seemed to be thinning, and it felt like you had to hold on to her, like she was about to vanish.
I guess we all were.
In the distance, we saw a black Volvo rolling down the street, coming to a halt at the curb, Frank parking it up. The car spluttered out, and Bob opened up the door to the backseat, stepping out with Ray and Hannah following, Hannah shutting the door. Sazzy climbed out of the passenger side, the door closing shut behind her as Frank locked the door of his car, shoving his keys in his pocket. Bob opened up the trunk of the car, pulling out a black duffel bag and passing it to Frank, along with a slightly bigger purple one, which I guess was Sazzy’s. Bob then passed another black and red bag to Ray, who nodded in thanks, and then passed a large white bag to Hannah, who smiled widely at him.
“Hey…” Bob said, waving slightly at everyone, smiling a little. Everyone waved or smiled back, not really saying anything. He walked over to Ani, pecking her on the forehead before they started a quiet conversation between themselves.
Sazzy was lent across Gee’s white van, her and Frank’s bags on the floor beside her feet. Frank hovered in front of her, their bodies pressed against each other as he mumbled something to her, brushing her fringe out of her eyes lightly. She sighed a little, nodding and looking up at him, a small smile gracing her lips. He smiled back at her, kissing her lips lightly before pulling away from her completely, lacing his hands with hers.
“Syd?” I looked up at Gee, who had finished his cigarette, and was looking a little… agitated, maybe?
“Yeah, Gee?” I said, looking up and him. He smiled, stroking my cold cheek.
“Are you ready?”
I nodded, squeezing him to me before he shifted, tangling his fingers with mine.
“Is everyone ready?” Gee called, looking around. Frank nodded, followed by Mikey. Bob picked up his bag, shoving it into the back of the van, putting Frank’s, Sazzy’s, Hannah’s and Ray’s in for them. Mikey’s, Ani’s, April’s, Gerard’s and mine were already in there.

“Where are we going?” Gee asked, his hands gripped on the wheel of his van. I sat next to him, Ani, Bob and Hannah in the seats behind us with Sazzy, Frank and Ray in the ones behind them. Mikey and April sat on the floor of the van on blankets at the back, quite content. Everyone’s bags cushioned them, too.
“I’ve always wanted to go to Monroeville… again,” Hannah mumbled. I only heard her because she was right behind me. I spun around to face her.
“Really…? After…?”
“Just to see it… it doesn’t matter, though,” she said, shaking her head, her eyes dropping to her lap. I turned to Gerard.
His gaze flicked to me, then back at the road.
“Monroeville… as in Pennsylvania, Monroeville?”
“No! Sydney, no, it’s okay, really… It’s-”
“Hannie, I thought you wanted to, just to see it?” I said, turning back to her and smirking a little. She scowled, picking at the holes in her patch and ripped up skinnies, not commenting.
“Yeah, Gee, that’s the one. Is that okay?” I asked, letting him pull my hand to the gear-stick, our laced hands resting there. He shrugged, nodding at the same time.
“Hey, guys, we’re going to Monroeville!” Gerard called, making sure everyone knew.
“No shit! The Monroeville where Dawn of the Dead was filmed?!” Mikey cried his voice high and excited, April’s giggle following after.
“Yeah…” Hannah grumbled, still sulking a little. I chuckled. Gee’s hand squeezed my own, asking for my attention.
“What’s the deal?” he whispered, only me hearing.
“Hannie’s from there. She kinda…” I trailed off, seeing him nod knowingly, then drop the subject.
It was just turning 08:00am now, and I was tired, so I leant my head back into the head-rest of my seat, getting comfortable. It would be about a six hour drive, so I should probably get some sleep while I can.