Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.


After the two girls had eaten their favorite breakfast meal of pancakes with fruit and syrup, they ran upstairs into their own rooms and got dressed. Ani wore her favorite pair of purple skinny jeans and a white Black Flag t-shirt, along with her brand new charcoal faux leather jacket April had given her today. She slipped on a pair of old black converse, moving to her dressing table to touch up her make-up. She only wore a little eyeliner and some mascara, along with foundation, and lip balm. She loved cherry lip balm.
April took more time getting ready. She finally settled on wearing a black and white checkered button-down shirt, with a pair of faded black skinnies. She also wore the new grey coat Ani had given to her. She put on a pair of white vans, running a brush through her short brown and golden hair. She picked up her black school bag, letting it hang from one shoulder. She checked her make-up in the mirror quickly, before running downstairs to meet Ani there. They thanked their Mom for their birthday presents, for which they still wore around their necks, and asked her to thank their father and grandparents for the amazing car. Their mother said she would, ushering them out the front door. Again, Ani beat April to the drivers’ side, slipping in and throwing her bag in the backseat. April did the same, fastening her seatbelt.
“Don’t kill me,” she muttered to her sister, leaning back into her chair. Ani grinned, bringing the engine to life for the second time, pulling out of the driveway and towards Belleville High School.

“April!” a tall, thin boy called from the old beat-up green car parked opposite them. He wore thick rimmed glasses which held down his light brown hair against the sides of his face. His eyes were a deep brown, and showed his emotion. He adorned an Anthrax t-shirt and a pair of grey skinny jeans, along with a black jacket that was zipped up, protecting him slightly from the cold December air.
“Michael James!” April cried, grinning at the boy and shutting the car door. The boy walked over, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Don’t call me that, ew. That’s one fuck of a ride you got!” he said, clearly excited. April grinned, nodding. Ani got out of the car, shutting off the engine.
“Hey, Mikes!” she called, grinning. He smiled back, waving. Ani walked around the car, locking it, and joined her friend and sister.
“Ah, happy birthday, guys!” Mikey cried, still excited and crushed both the girls into a hug. They giggled, returning the hug.
“Mikey, you’re so bony!” April cried, pulling away. Mikey looked offended, and Ani hit him on the arm playfully.
“Where’s everyone else?” asked April, slinging her bag over her shoulder.
“On their way, probably. Frank’s picking up Sazzy and Bob today, his car broke down,” Mikey said, his eyes wide, as if it was such fascinating information. April laughed.
As if on cue, a black Volvo eased its way into the empty parking space next to Ani and April’s car, the engine stuttering before dying.
“Damn, Frank. Your car’s gonna die soon,” a strawberry blonde boy complained, getting out of the backseat.
“Yeah, well. It’s pretty old. And it’s been through a lot!” a short boy replied, climbing out of the drivers’ side and slamming the door shut. Giggling, a brunette girl opened up the passenger door, getting out and closing the door behind her. Frank locked the door, and followed the boy and girl towards Mikey, April and Ani.
“Bobbie! Frankie! Sazzy!” April cried her eyes wide and glittering. The three laughed along with Ani and Mikey, each taking it in turns to hug her. They each hugged Ani, all wishing the twins a happy birthday.

Frank was one of the shortest of the group, at around 5 foot 4 inches tall. He wore a plain red t-shirt, along with black skinny fit jeans that were held up with a pink studded belt just below his hips, showing off his blue and white stripy boxers. A silver ring was threaded through the right side of his nose and the left side of his lip. His black hair was spiked up at the back, his side fringe hanging over his right eye. His eyes were the most amazing shade of hazel anyone could come across - almost leaning on the green side, with specks of brown beautifying them.
Sazzy, the brunette, was the shortest of the group at 5 foot 1 inch. She had long, black hair that had deep, dark brown highlights through it. It rested below her shoulders, almost at her hips. Layers were cut messily into it, giving it a full and thick look. Her eyes were a deep brown that were usually surrounded in black eyeliner, her lashes coated with mascara. She wore a black Green Day shirt along with light blue denim skinnies which she wore low like Frank did, showing off her red girl-boxers.
Bob was the ‘silent but deadly’ one, the one of the group that no one would want to piss off. Although he could have a ridiculously high temper, he could also be the sweetest guy anyone could ever meet. His strawberry blonde hair wasn’t too long, but wasn’t quite short - it was just hair. He usually covered it with a hood or a beanie - today he used a hood. He also had his lip pierced, only he wore a stud, rather than the hoop Frank did.

“What’d you get?” Frank asked, leaning against his old car.
Ani pointed to her locket, grinning. They all ‘wowed’, complimenting them both.
“And they got this sick ride, too!” Mikey claimed, bouncing on the balls of his feet, pointing at the brand new Saab.
“Fuck! That’s pretty!” Bob cried, his mouth hanging open.
“Who on earth gave you that?! That’s brand new shit, right there,” Frank gasped, his hand held to his head. Sazzy’s mouth was in a small ‘o’ shape, her eyebrows raised.
“My Dad and my Grandparents love us,” April laughed.
“Shit. That’s one sexy car, guys,” Sazzy commented, her shock still not subsided.
The bell rang out, signaling the first period of the day. Everyone groaned, walking towards the entrance of Belleville High.

Ani’s Point of View
I sat slumped in my chair at the back, Frank next to me. I hate Algebra 2. I doodled aimlessly on my notebook, not bothering to do the work set in front of us on the blackboard. I could hear Frank’s irritated tapping noise his pencil made. He was getting frustrated about the work, and I can see why. It was a load of shit that no-one needed to learn.
“Ani?” I heard Frank mutter, this voice strained. Bless him.
“Do you think…? Ah… never mind,” he mumbled. I sat up, quite intrigued, and turned to face him. He hadn’t been frustrated on the work - he had been thinking about something that frustrated him!
“What? I want to know now!” I complained, crossing my arms. He chuckled, blushing ever so slightly.
“No, it doesn’t matter,” he said, turning back to his notebook.
“No, Frank!” I whined. “You can’t do that, it’s going to piss me off all day!” He laughed again at my little outburst.
“Well… that’s not my fault,”
“But it is! You started it. And it’s my birthday! I’m allowed to know!” I grinned, seeing if it’d work. He sighed.
“Hell yeah!” I cried, clapping my hands together. “Now, what is it?” He blushed a little bit again, but you could barely notice.
“Promise you won’t tell anyone?” he mumbled, brushing a little of his black fringe out of his hazel eyes. I nodded, smiling.
“Pinkie promise,” I held out my pinkie, his hooking over mine for a while, before they broke apart.
“Umm… I think… I-I like Sazzy,” he stuttered, not making eye contact, his eyes scanning over his battered and doodled-over notebook.
“That. Is. So. Fucking. CUTE!” I cried, but not loud enough to turn heads. He looked up from his desk, his eyes wide, staring at me.
“It-It’s what?!”
“It is! I can totally see you two together! Oh my God, you should so like, go all romantic, and then, you ask her out and then she’ll be all like,-”
“Ani! Damn, calm down!”
“Oh… Sorry,” I giggled. As if on queue, the bell went off, signaling next period. For me and Sazzy, that was Art.
Fuck yes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Click on the links in the description =)
(The names ‘Ani’ and ‘April’).
This story will be quite link-ey, with pictures of people/cars/clothing and stuff like that.