Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.


Bob’s Point of View
“How much longer?” April whined, her head in Sazzy’s lap.
We’d all kind of disintegrated from the huddle at the back of the van, and spread out all over the vehicle. Frank, Sazzy and April were sat in the three-seated part, Frank occasionally sticking his head out of the window until Gerard barked at him to get his head back inside. It always made Ani chuckle to herself quietly, who was sat in the two-seater behind them with Hannah, a pack of cards between them.
“We’re almost there… like another half hour,” Ray called, rubbing his forehead. This car ride has actually been pretty eventful. When we stopped for gas, Sazzy’s Dad had called her – no one knows we’ve left yet. Well, of course they knew we left, but not… gone, that we’re never coming home.
So, anyways, Sazzy had panicked, like usual. She panics a lot. So Frank answered it for her, but I could tell that he found it hard to look calm on the surface. I know that guy, and he was shitting it while he was on the phone. His complexion paled, even more than it is, and his eyes dimmed, the spark in them vanishing. I think she knew, Sazzy knew. She knows him like I know him, but just… I think she just wants to believe him, wants to feel like she can rely on him and that everything is okay. In a way, I felt sorry for her. How must it feel, living on a false hope? Nothing is okay, and that’s why we’re here, on the road… because nothing is okay, and it won’t be for a while.
We had to live on a different hope, a hope that’s almost non-existent.
That we’re better off on the road than in New Jersey.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that this is short, but never fear.
There will be another update during the week, hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday.
Much love; xo